September 13, 2019

Preparation & alarming texts......

Only one more week before I meet this little lovey....

I am entering the home stretch before my trip.  My brother-in-law was finally released from the hospital yesterday ~ he had been there for a week.  It seemed like something came up from one day to the next, so it's a big relief for all that he's home.  The drive to the hospital was an hour, so my sister might be able to get some rest.  Unfortunately she won't be able to go to Austin with me to meet the little guy, it's just too soon.  Truthfully, it will be nice to have time to myself in the late evening and hopefully I will sleep like a log.  

Son #1 ~ father of the above cutie ~ texted me, asking if he could leave little Frank with me while he takes his wife out for an anniversary dinner, but after lots of consideration I asked if they could wait to do that on Sunday so I could have a day to get to know him (the baby, you fool).  He texted me back that if I wasn't comfortable it was OK, and that Roxanne didn't think I would want to do it.  So if he's baiting me, I'm just going to ignore that.  It's MY vacation.  And as I pointed out to him when he first asked, it's been a very long time since I've been around a 2 month old.  Like over 30 years.  And I don't live nearby, which if I did, I would have been around him as much as they would let me.  I won't bore everyone with the conundrum of moving back to Texas ~ the biggest pro on that idea is spending time with my grandsons, and to be brutally honest I'm not sure that's enough to give up all of the pros of living in New Mexico.  The love is there.  The desire to endure seemingly endless hot and humid days, with little difference between the seasons doesn't appeal to me.  If that makes me a bad Grandma, well then so be it.

I have two boys, with two different Dads.  Two different personalities.  Son #2 and I are close.  He knows he can call me anytime.  Son #1 and I not so much.  He calls his Dad ~ which makes sense, he lives about 2 hours away.  Whereas I live 13 (or more, depending on traffic)  hours away.  We've all done those one day, one way drives to visit family far away, right?  And on that long and boring drive home, the one where all you want to do it snack to break the monotony, you vow never to do this again.  When I retire, well, doing that drive over two days sound doable, but I don't want to waste my vacation time driving driving driving.  I simply don't have enough of it (vacation time).  So, I feel sort of guilty that I didn't reply with "Yeah!  I want to meet him for 30 minutes, and then let you crazy kids go to a nice restaurant for 3 hours while the baby ~ who you swear is the easiest baby ever ~ screams and cries the entire time you're gone and when they get back they have two sweaty, tear stained and stressed out humans.  Just the tiniest bit of guilt. 

Love, 365


  1. Yeah, that's being manipulative. I think I'd call him on it.. tell him exactly what you said here, that, " Roxanne didn't think I would want to do it" is not even well-disguised manipulation.

    Hope you have a nice visit. Such a cute little guy.

    1. I know I should call him on it, but I'll probably just let it go. Or find another way to let him know without the C word ~ you know, CONFRONTATION. haha I don't mind confrontation, and I think it's healthy. My family has a very long history of avoiding it, which irks me no end. I'd rather not create ill will before I even get there though. I'd rather do it face to face. Playing games by text just isn't my style.

      I certainly plan and hope to have a nice visit. He is adorable, huh?

  2. Make sense to me to have a day to be comfortable with a new baby. Do not let them guilt trip you.

    1. Right??? I think I mentioned it's been a really long time. I will be nervous and anxious, not only to hold him correctly and all that, but I'll be dealing with "Mom scrutiny". Ha ha. It's been a really long time since I've changed a diaper too. Luckily, those disposable ones are easy to put on. Maybe I'll use a little vaporub to cover up the scent of poo. :-)


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