December 28, 2019

Calling it out......or "you go, Peg!"

Calling people out on their B.S.....

Brought to you by (go here)......

And then there's this........ a very interesting article where Michael decided to call out the BS when he encountered it for a week.  

Peg's story was a little bit more satisfying.  I mean, who hasn't wanted to, or did, tell someone in the nicest way they could think of that they're a jerk?  Worse yet, a racist jerk.   Oh, you didn't go to the link yet?  Go ahead, I'll wait........

 I recall calling out the BS was a few years ago when I went to buy tires.  Maybe more than a few years ago, because this was when Bush (the second one) was president.  Remember when we all had a nice little tax bonus?  We had to wait quite a long time for our refund due to the last four numbers of Romeo's ss#.  We decided I would buy new tires for the Rodeo, I did my due diligence on deciding what type of tires I wanted, and went down to the Discount Tire down the road.  I pointed out the tires I'd chosen, and the sales guy went to the back to make sure they had enough.  He returns a few minutes later, said they only have one and they will need to go to the bigger warehouse to pick up the other three.  The charge was "only" $40 for them to go right out to get them.  

I looked at him for a half a minute, my mind spinning out all sorts of scenarios.  Then I explained that I had waited months for this tax refund, and I can certainly wait another few days or a week or whatever, for the tires.  Just call me when you have them and I'll be back, I said.  I pick up my purse and turn to walk out, when he calls me back, and said "let me talk to the manager", returns a few minutes later to say they will wave the fee.  

And inside my head, is a little girl jumping up and down, raising her fist in the air, yelling "YES!", while I pulled out my book and started calmly reading while I got my new tires.  

Love, 365


  1. Not just BS, but I'm pretty sure they had 4 in house. One tire? That's like a shoe store only having the left foot shoe and charging extra to get the right foot shoe from the warehouse.

    Nice going!

    1. Right?!! I was annoyed, because they looked at me, a perfectly nice middle aged woman and figured they could get some extra $$ and I would be a little too naive to figure it out. I called bullshit on that one, but sadly I have likely fallen for more bs than not.

  2. Replies
    1. All too true. My plan ~ not to believe all that I hear: especially from sales.

  3. Replies
    1. I hadn't done research on the bs that companies trying to sell you something might pull, I may have to look into that. There's no end to those that want to separate you from your hard earned cash!

  4. Fantastic comeback.
    Interesting that your conservative government also throws tax refunds around. I'm in Oz. You can bet we'll get another tax incentive around about election time.

    1. Oh, we haven't had a tax refund in a very long time. This one would have been with Pres. Bush (the younger). Pres. Trump did cut our taxes a bit, but I never noticed it ~ and they'll go up, that's what they do.

  5. I do like it when we stand up for our rights. Many companies will back up the truck and give us a fair shake. I refuse to shope where they do not. I have not hung out with any racist or anyone that I needed to call someone out, but I would if I felt they needed it. Thank for commenting on my blog by the way!

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