January 25, 2020

It's official.........

I am officially an old fart.  This week I turned 65.  Do I feel old?  No.  Yes.  Maybe.  Absolutely not.

My arm is improving, although I have not had the ok from the Doc yet to do much with it.  I just keep doing the pendulum exercises which I assume are to prevent frozen shoulder.  I do have an appointment in 2 weeks for a follow up. 

On Thursday I called the Doc's office to ask about the pain I had that morning, and he said I could stop wearing the sling at night.  I was a tad bit nervous, but didn't roll over on it, which I'm sure would have brought me out of the deepest sleep.  So, I'm getting used to sleeping on my back, which I have never been in the habit of doing. 

I have, for the past year or so, had some issues with tennis elbow ~ of course, on the same side as the breakage.  And having that elbow bent at 45 degrees for 2 weeks made it so much worse.  The pain I have now is mostly with the elbow, which has flared up to a degree that even touching it is very unpleasant.  Now that I've taken off the sling at home and when sleeping has helped.  But when I see him, I will mention it and hopefully the physical therapy will be included. 

******Ok, this is all I can do.  If I haven't commented on your posts, it's because typing is such a pain in the ass. 

Have a great weekend!
Love 365


  1. If you are an Old Fart, for turning 65....

    What am I? At 82...????


    Sorry about the pain. And about the break, which I take it, has happened. Do not type, when in pain.


    1. I only call myself that because of my brother-in-law, who is brutal :-)

  2. Prayers for you and may your recovery be short and physical therapist be nice. The wife had shoulder surgery this last Thursday for an 80% tear thanks to a bone spur. The tear is repaired and bone spur gone. Now we are at least past the dreaded third day of doom...(Which by the way lived up to and beyond the hype)Yucko-Grande. So she is absolutely giddy today because the pain is back to the "reasonable" category.

    Hope you are on the mend and your pain is also past the bad and into the
    "Oh, thank you Lord" category.

    MSG Grumpy

    1. It is already so much better, so that expression has come out of my mouth several times a day lately....so I guess I would call it "reasonable", lol.

  3. Ye, old fart at 65, no way. I'm older than that and hell I'm still a young fart!!

    1. I agree. Old-Fartism starts much much later.

    2. Well, that's wonderful. Let's say, 100?? By then old-fartism is a given. :-)

  4. Happy belated birthday. Did you do anything fun? Hope the healing and the typing are going better. Take care.

    1. Well, darn it, I did nothing fun. Didn't really feel like it either, but I'm doing better and ready to do something fun ~ I'm hoping the weather will be favorable for a hike along the bosque (there's a trail alongside the Rio Grande. Which should probably be renamed the Rio Minor, haha...

  5. Hope you are better soon! Someone said 65 is the new 40.


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