January 10, 2020

Oh for Pete's sake......

First of all, this is not my x-ray!
Mine is not that bad.....I hope.
 Wednesday I went to the gym as I have for at least the past 9 years, to play ladies night racquetball.  Had a little trouble this time though.....one of our newer players ran in front of me, I tripped over her feet and fell right on my ribs, knocked the air out of me (but surprisingly didn't break any) but did end up with a proximal fracture of the humerus.  I still don't know if I will need surgery, because I couldn't get in until Monday......which seems a bit long, but what do I know?  Apparently unless the swelling gets worse, or the pain increases, I just have to hang in.  Why did I say no to the oxy?  I sure know when the advil wears off.

I'm trying hard to not harbor any ill will to the dumb ass, no I mean idiot clueless woman who caused it.  I think I'm failing though, because there will likely be months of wearing this sling, which means Romeo has to help me get ready to shower, and although we haven't tried it yet, blow dry my hair.  

So, my posts will be short, because typing one handed is also a giant pain.

Enjoy your weekend.
Love, 365

***I noticed a bit of spamming going on, may need to change settings.  


  1. I wish all the best in your speedy recovery. That being said, at now 63, I find that I shouldn't be acting like 30 . . . I broke at that age. . . .oh, I can do that now? Two weird hip/thigh incidents in 6 months. Dang.

    Go forth and prosper, carefully.

    1. That's the irony, I am always careful....that's what you do when you go a year without insurance. Especially following the accident my brother-in-law had this past summer. Like children & idiots, my guardian angel must have been looking out for me, my insurance started on Jan 1, 2020.

  2. I can't believe you even posted anything with that kind of injury. Heal fast!

    1. Yep, my posts will be short because the one-handed method sucks.

  3. Oh hell. That really limits what you can do for a long while. Hard not to have a few mumbly feelings about the other woman.
    Hope you have a very fast and pain free recovery

    1. Thank you! My appointment is tomorrow. I'm both anxious and relieved. I hope no surgery, which if what I've been reading is true I'll be able to avoid.

  4. I may have to if it keeps showing up :-)

  5. Hope you have a speedy and as painless as possible recovery. Take care.

  6. OH NO! I'm so sorry. I don't know if you were reading me when I had my rotator cuff/torn labrum repaired. In a sling for 5 weeks 24/7. Had to sleep in it for 4 weeks! I could only sleep in my husband damn ugly recliner. I couldn't put on a bra, do my hair or makeup because I am right handed. Don't ask Romeo to blow dry your hair. Rick got a brush stuck in my hair. When he was told to point the dryer at the round brush he about burned my retinas and by this time I told him to walk away and get me my baseball cap. I wore that for a month!! I hope this is as painless and quick as possible for you!!


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...