May 13, 2022

Entering into crazy.....


This is the coolest shot of the moon I've ever seen....I don't know where or who, but I had to save it to my photos to share.

The workplace is becoming rather crazy.  The week after next our newly retired Doc returns for an afternoon to work on the orthodontic patients that need to be completed.  None of us are excited to see him.  Let me explain...

He is not the best dentist in the world.  His crown margins are crap (if you have one, that's the edge where it meets the gum tissue, or goes just under it).  They've always been crap.  But the last few months, they were total crap.  So, the new Doc is having to re-do some of them.  And I have one (just one! filling I ever had him do) filling that needs repair, as there is an edge I can feel and catches on the floss.  I didn't think too much about it, but my dental assistant friend warned me not to ignore it or it could cause me issues later.  Anyway, since the retiring Doc is going to be paid for 3 months (I guess part of the contract they drew up when the other dentist bought out the practice), they are adjusting for all that work that has to be redone. More than likely it will zero out any check he might get.  I am hoping he doesn't take it out on us.  I'm sure he'll be a bit pissed ~ but he deserves it.  And I hate to talk smack about him, but really.  I never thought he was only interested in his income, but I guess we all can fall prey to thinking only of ourselves at times.  

Beginning on Tuesday I will start training the girl who is taking over my job.  Whew, it's going to be interesting!  Both of our newest hires are 26-27.  So young.  Not terribly experienced.  Especially in the area of customer service.  I'll do my best to give them the basics of what they need....we'll see if they pay attention or take to heart any of it.  I like a good challenge!  We'll see how it goes.

In the meantime, I'm getting quite excited to have only 2 weeks left!  Now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel to freedom to do my own thing.  The first time I've not worked since I was 16!  Wow, whatever will I do with all that time!

Love, 365


  1. Is that prospect of not being employed a little scary too? F has never been out of work since 16 too and wonders what might happen when the 'work' ends.

    1. Of course it's a little scary, but we're ready, even with all this weird crappy economy. I think what happens is ~ you are able to do what you want (ok, within reason, haha), when you want, and you can turn off your alarms since they will no longer matter. I could certainly work longer if I wanted to. Buy why? There's no guarantee how long we remain on this earth. I want to have my own time. Besides I have lots of projects waiting....

  2. What will you do with all that time? Whatever the heck you want to do! I recommend a guitar. I hope my dentist never retires.

    1. I already have projects, gathering dust, waiting for me! I tried learning the guitar, but it doesn’t suit me. I had thought of learning the violin, but I doubt I’ll ever get to it!

  3. Two weeks will go by so fast!! Hope the training goes well with the person taking your place!


    1. Betty, I think you're right on the money...two weeks will wiz by in no time.

  4. Two weeks!!! You’re almost there! - Jenn

  5. Time? I sincerely don't know how I had time for a job/career. Trust me you'll be shocked. It's a real learning curve that does not come easily fir me.

  6. I remember thinking about when my kids were little, and I worked full time, and Romeo was in graduate school. How did I do it all? Dropping off, picking up, making dinner, mowing the exhausts me just to think of it.
    I have heard those same sentiments from our patients who are retired. I'm ready to see how it will go!

  7. You'll be glad to get away from all that crap at work. Two weeks to go. Hope those days go past quickly and easily

    1. Yeah, I am both excited and anxious about the training. I don't want to overwhelm her, but I only have two weeks! So, no time to go slow and easy. But it sure will make the day go by faster!

  8. Start thinking about all those things you wish to do. Work up a take off list, be it simple or extravagent, and make it a couples board game. You have earned it. don't look back.


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...