May 2, 2022

Seriously, the count down is less than 31 days!....


How merry the month of May will be!!  

My last day is 5/31/2022.  The cherry on top is ~ that day, after work, all staff will be staying after work for CPR re-certification.  I was so happy that I will no longer have to do that every year.  I have been certified for 30 years, and thankfully have never had to use any of that knowledge on anyone.  There have been many changes (albeit small ones) in CPR training over all those years.  

Have you heard of or seen the apps that countdown your retirement?  I avoided downloading one of those until today :D  I think most of them are designed to encourage putting money aside for it, but I'm just using the countdown.  Of course it has ads, but darned if I will spend $3 to remove those, haha.  I need that 3 bucks for retirement....

In other news, well, there's not much.  But we are literally on fire here in New Mexico.  One fire, that burned over 25 homes, was a "prescribed burn" that went out of control.  I get the need for them, but who ever is making those decisions really needs to be fired.  One couple built their dream home, only to have the whole thing burn to the ground.  

The Hermits Peak fire (the prescribed burn that is out of control) has burned 64,000 (yes that is thousands) of acres and 166 homes.  People didn't just lose their homes ~ they lost all of the structures on their property, including barns, garages, vehicles...well, the list goes on.  Because they were ordered to evacuate, they also lost their livestock (if not to fire, then to starvation since they couldn't get in to feed them).  It's not a new story.  This has happened before, and yet those that sign off on these burns obviously don't learn from the past mistakes.  The Hermits Peak fire has grown so large, it is now the largest fire in the U.S. right now. My heart breaks......

Well!  On that happy note, I shall leave you to your Monday, and hope you have a wonderful week!

Love, 365


  1. How cool that you just have to work the month of May and then you will be retired! It is a shame all the fires burning in New Mexico! So early in the season for them. I hope this will not be how the rest of summer will be for New Mexico and Arizona who also has some fires going.


    1. I think we're going to have a bad year as far as fires go. I hope everyone uses common sense this summer...

  2. I saw all the fires on tv this morning. God that is so awful. I can't fathom living in that fire fear. Global warming is a beast. Fires so early in the season. Whatcha gonna do on your first day of no work? I never got that feeling because i was moving, etc.

    1. Hmmm, lets see ~ turn off my alarms, that's going to be #1. Go through 30 years of photos, and decide what to trash (because I guarantee the kids will just toss them anyway once I'm not on this earth). Reacquaint myself with hobbies I've put aside for the last 10 years, like stained glass, painting (not walls, haha), start rehabbing my bathroom, which has needed updating for a long time. Etc, etc. I'll let ya know!

  3. The story of those fires is terrible. Can't imagine what it would be like to have my life reduced to ashes. I hope they have insurance and the courage to rebuild.
    Happy for you though. That job will soon be in your rear view mirror

  4. I certainly hope they had fire insurance. It's not like rebuilding after a flood, because it will take decades for the trees to grow back to fire hazard status. There is some concern that the trees may never come back as they once were due to climate change.
    I'm ready to take charge of my own time! Woo hoo!

  5. Stay safe and enjoy that countdown. Only 26 more days to go. I need to share that Trex CPR meme with Mrs. Shife. She just had to get re-certified and was not happy about it because she has been certified for over 20 years.


Oh Christmas, how you vexed me this year.....

  I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas!  I bought this multi planted Christmas cactus, now I'll see if I can keep it alive :-) Ha...