May 24, 2022

I get it......


My face when I realize my 23 year old replacement at work believes I'm a washed up old has-been, haha.

Me, thinking, that in 3 days I'll be gone, so maybe you ought to pay attention....but won't, and it won't be my problem anymore.  haha

Last week wasn't too bad, but this week has been awful.  It is obvious to me that she no longer believes I have any useful information to give her ~ and she already knows it all.  :D   And probably feels some resentment at having to pretend to listen to the instruction I'm trying to give her.  =sigh=

Hey, it could still be ok.  It won't matter to me anymore anyway.  They'll be on their own.  Ms Loud offered to come in if they needed help, but I said no.  Once I'm done, I'm on to other things and have no desire to come back!  

One of the new/not new gals (who moved away but came back to Albuquerque and we rehired her) was out today to go to a graduation, so I sat at her desk today.  And oh man, I was soooo bored.  I did a few things, helped out a few patients, but there wasn't much to do.  It was rather excruciating.  I thought of making today my last day, but I already committed to staying until the 31st.  I have only 3 days left...but I am not good with being bored.  I want stuff to do.  At the same time, I really don't want to spend 2 of the 3 I have left checking on past due insurance claims, ugh.  I'll do some of that, but I'll try to find other stuff too, or I'll lose my mind........or maybe I'll pile up some snacks and watch you tube videos, lol.

Peg, I'll try to get in touch with ya, we'll have that chat.

Love, 365



  1. Oh well, you did your best to try to train the one taking your place. If she feels like she "knows it all" then I guess she'll find out the hard way once you are gone next week. I personally always enjoyed gleaning any info shared by the person training me. So exciting that your time there is definitely wrapping up and almost done!


    1. Yes, she is on her own now! It is no longer my problem!

  2. F has that voming in September - her replacement arrives on the 1st, we leave 4 weeks later. Try not to die of boredom 3 days before the most exciting day of the month. xxx Mr T

    1. Oh, yesterday was a real drag. But my new post will make things clear...

  3. You almost hope she finds out that she should have been sitting down listening to her older and wiser colleague and gets into hot water so you can rub your hands in glee. Lucky you won't be there to see it all.
    Keep cool. It's almost over

    1. Oh, I have no doubt that the shit will hit the fan a time or two. I won't be happy about it, because I do want the practice to thrive, but it'll be an I told you so moment.

  4. Single digits!! You're down to single digits until retirement! You should just say to her that she can ask you questions if she needs to, but apart from that you'll just be playing on your phone and doing your nails over in the corner. Lol! -Jenn

    1. Ah, your advice is good, which I had done that. tee hee


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