May 21, 2022

Here we go......

Coffee.....I never liked it until 20 years ago.  Now I don't even start my day without it!  My youngest son gave me a cold brew coffee maker, and it is so yummy.  

Two weeks left.  I sure hope I survive with my sanity intact.

Today was May's* (not her name) first day.  She did fine.  She is 23, and does have a bit of experience.  The hardest part will be figuring out how to schedule.  Our office is very different from where she came from.  Based on today's experience, I think she'll do fine.  But it'll take her awhile to get the hang of it all.  Luckily, our other new employee has 5 months under her belt, and can help her.  2 weeks will not be enough for this young lady!  The only criticism I had today was that she and the other gal were speaking Spanish much of the time.  I had to remind them that unless there are no patients in the waiting room, they need to speak English.  But we are lucky to have Spanish speakers in the office, and it will be wonderful to have for our patients that have no or limited English.

The tough part today was from (drum roll please) Ms Loud.  She and our new OM (who is still part of our front desk team)  got into it today.  Apparently ML accused her of being tyrannical.  The OM was pretty upset.  I reminded her that ML won't be in the office much longer.  She knows how ML is, come on.  In Ms Loud's defense, the new OM is trying to distance herself from the rest of is not easy to suddenly be the office manager and be friends of the rest of us. I have noticed that she has become a tad bit more bossy, but hey! isn't that all part of the job. 

Later in the week......  Hah!  I never finished this post, and now we're at the end of the week.   It went ok.  The retired dentist came in to work on his remaining ortho cases.  Awkward.  I really didn't want to see him.  But it turned out ok I suppose.  His next "visit" to the office is on 6/1, and that is my official first day of retirement, so unless I happen to run into him at the grocery store or something, our relationship is over!  Of course it won't be so for the rest of the office, since Romeo and I will still be going for our 6 months visits, and Romeo is in the middle of an implant.  

My mind is full of the things I will be able to do once this work thing is over.  It looks like I'll be so busy catching up on things I've been leaving to "I'll to that after my last day" I don't see myself thinking "I should be working", haha.  I will miss my co-workers and seeing my fav patients.  Don't forget that Romeo and I will be hanging out 24/7.  There are bound to be a few clashes.  We don't get into fights very often, but they do happen.  It's been awhile.....I think we're due for one.  :D

Have a fabulous weekend!

Love, 365


  1. The countdown is clearly on. Work politics have got F looking for that same light at the end of the tunnel. She has decided she has reached a point where she won't miss working either. Xxx Mr T

  2. Are you going to have an office party when you leave or are you just going to leave so fast they all get envelolped in your dust lol
    Onw week. Roll on your next blog post and freedom

    1. We already had a party, we combined three people in that one. Then we had another party for the person who didn't get one, because she wasn't in town. I am really looking forward to being done!

  3. Oh we are still finding our sea legs with this retirement thing. I can't say it enough though, you both have to have your own time and things to do alone. At least we do. I mean to tell you I love this guy and no one I'd rather be around but...
    Call me, we'll chat. I have found that retirement isn't as easy and finally being done with the 9-5p. Everyone always made it seems like pure joy. Don't get me wrong, I do not miss the 9-5p but this is an adjustment and anyone who says otherwise I feel is not being honest.

  4. Unlike your situation, I had to train my replacement. She's all of 23.....and probably looks at me like I'm an ancient washed-up old hag. I can tell she doesn't want to listen to anything I say....she's in the "I know everything" stage. I basically gave up my work spot today ..... well, it's a story :-)
    I'm sure it'll be an adjustment....good days and not so good! But I'm darn well gonna make a go of it!


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...