November 17, 2017

I'm jumpin on (the sexual harrassment bandwagon)....

Al Franken, the lastest harasser to be accused....

Romeo and I were watching the news this morning before he left for work, and saw the story of Leean Tweeden revealing Al's forced kiss, and likely we've all seen the "pretend groping" photo by Al while Leean was asleep.  
She explains that many have experienced worse, but it was a week of harassment with Al at a USO function a decade ago.
I was furious to read that: (and you can go to the article here)
     Congress rules on holding lawmakers accountable re: sexual harassment are as follows:
     ~Accusers can file lawsuits only if they first agree to go through months of counseling and mediation (Does this sound fair to you?).
     ~Then a special congressional office is charged with trying to resolve cases out of court.
     ~After all that your lawmaker-harasser is found guilty & there's a settlement, they don't have to pay.  Confidential payments come out of a special US Treasury fund (that's right, your tax dollars go to pay for the sins of congressmen).

One representative who's chief of staff is a woman reports she doesn't know a single woman in her age group that hasn't experienced inappropriate conduct in the workplace.  NOT ONE.

For myself, I'm all for calling out these men.  I've been sexually harassed in so many situations, it's not even funny.  
~Asked to sit on the lap of a man I worked for in a nursery (plants), while he groped my breasts....I should have gone to his wife and told her.  Afraid I would lose my job, which I needed.  Never got close enough to him for that to happen again.
~While married, have had friends of my husband ask me for sex.
~Had another boss put my hand on his erection and state: "Look what you've done to me", as though I should then agree to have sex with him, because it's my fault.
~A man I know who is married & who knows I'm married constantly ask me for "dates".  All turned down of course.  He knows that I know his wife, and he's met my husband.  What is the deal???

Am I the only woman who is sick and tired of all this shit?  I would think not.  But I am angry with myself for allowing it to happen without speaking up.  

We can't simply let this sort of behavior continue and keep quiet.  
We have a voice, and we need to use it.  
We aren't at fault.
We don't need to feel guilty, or think we "asked for it".

To the men who enjoy using their power to harass women, shame.  I hope you all burn in hell.

Love, 365


  1. I've been harassed, too. More than once.
    I'll have to add it to the post I'm working on.

    1. I do know a few women who claim they've never experienced harassment....but I think they were looking at their phones, haha.

  2. During my married years had to do some "attitude adjustments" when my wife would let me know of a problem. Maybe not for everyone but it worked for us.

    1. See, I can't tell Romeo. I have to keep it to myself because he is not capable of rationally thinking about this sort of thing. If a situation occurred that I couldn't handle, I would tell him, but also keep a lawyer's number handy.


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