August 17, 2018

It's a fantastic day......

And as the sun sets on another day......

I have had my luckiest day ever.  

Picture if you will, a three lane road, with a speed limit of 55mph.  I'm in the middle lane, probably going about 50-55 mph.  All is as it should be.  I look down at my phone ~ just for a second.  When I look back up, the car that was in front of me changed lanes (which I didn't see) because there is a car that is at a complete stop in my lane.  I tromp on my brakes, but realize I will never be able to stop in time, and at the last minute swerve around the left, barely missing the stopped car and the car in the right lane.  

To say I was freaked out is an understatement.  I shook and cursed myself for 15 min.  I stupidly thought to myself "wow, I had some quick reflexes there", and then immediately berated myself.  I could have killed the people in the stopped car.  I could have been killed.  It could have been fucking awful.  I've always prided myself on driving safely, and now realize I was kidding myself thinking I could even glance at my phone and drive safely.  

I am an idiot.  A lucky idiot.  

But it sure reminded me that when I drive I need to focus solely on that and nothing else.  

I have some meds for anxiety which I hardly ever take, but let me tell you my friends, I took one when I got home.  Just to stop the shakes.  

Love, 365


  1. I am a very careful driver and have also had one or two incidences where I was just lucky...except, think of it, had you been driving at 60 or even 65 like many NOT careful drivers and had you not known to veer left and not just stand on the brake, it would have been a bad accident, so you let your guard down for just a second but were still saved by driving at a safe speed and knowing what to do when you had to.

    1. Thanks Josh, you’re right, if I had been speeding there would have been no escape from a crash. The other lesson learned is to make sure to drive in the right lane if your car is acting up - it’s like stopping in the center lane of the highway.

  2. I'm glad you're safe. Sounds like you learned something, too. ((hugs))

    1. There’s nothing like a close call to wake us I’ve decided to change my route 2 to 3 times a week. I’ve become too comfortable driving the same route.
      Thank you :-)

  3. I am very glad you are safe. I had something similiar so I always put my phone in my purse in the backseat out of arms reach. I also turn off the sound so I don't hear the dings of notifications or the ring of the phone. It has worked for me. I hate to admit I had to do it.

    1. I just leave it in my purse and forget about it. I am very surprised at how often I was looking at it! I think we're all so tuned into the damned things we don't even realize we're looking at it that often.


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