March 22, 2019

Keep on keepin' on.........

I think the sign says Grad fair....maybe

It's a bit of a gauntlet, but if you visit every table and have your "card" marked you might win a ring and a frame for your diploma.....

It has been an interesting week.  My coworker put in her two week notice ~ something I knew would happen, as her boyfriend of almost 2 years lives in Farmington (close to the 4 corners area) and she has been driving there nearly every weekend.  She applied for and accepted a job there, so she'll be leaving Albuquerque.  I am really happy for her, she deserves happiness and we're hoping to hear of a wedding soon.  But her announcement had an unexpected consequence.  Ms. Loud (remember?) came up with an idea that the practice should split her salary between the remaining 3 of us instead of hiring a new employee.  She passed it off to me as our office manager's idea, but I knew better.  It sounds just like her.  And per usual, she tried to cram it down everyone's throat.  Although I would love to earn $X more per hour, I really don't want to give up my every-other-4-day-weekends, which I would have to do once a month.  Plus, when one of us is on vacation, it would be difficult.  So, the next day I had decided I wasn't as enthused, but our OM said that a decision wasn't going to be made that Thursday.  And Ms. Loud pouted and grumped all day.  I was glad to leave early for class and have four days without being around her.

Thursday nights class was a disaster.  The grad student instructor ~ hereby to be addressed as GSI (lol) had told us on Wednesday that we would have a writing assignment Thursday.  But in true fashion, she allowed the students to talk so long that we didn't have time to do it.  She really needs to learn management.  So, she told us we should turn in our assignment before midnight ~ AHHHH! ~ but we were saved by one guy who said that when he gets home it's all about his wife and kids, so she gave us until 11am today.  So, I had to reschedule my Friday.  Not much of a big deal, but I am now so irritated with the day that it bugged.  

I had also planned to leave class and go to the monthly ladies group meeting at the church after class ~ one of the reasons I was glad to have a bit of a reprieve on the assignment.  The meeting is at 6:30, but I arrived early because the university is close by and class ends at 5:45.  So, I help the president of the organization get stuff together.  But 15-20 minutes after it started I knew I had made a mistake.  It was boring, and since I'm not on a committee, I didn't have anything to do.  I left there at nearly 8pm.  Twelve hour days are exhausting.  I won't be making that mistake again until after school is done, if at all.  

This photo is just an example of the cap & gown color.......

My goal for today ~ other than playing racquetball, which was fun fun ~ I went to UNM for the last day & as it turned out the last hour of the grad fair.  I bought my cap, gown and frame for my diploma, as they were offering a discount of 25% during the fair.  It is so exciting to have it!  It's really going to happen!  Woo hoo!  So, when I have a crappy day at class, I'll go into the closet and gaze fondly at my graduation regalia and remind myself it's nearly over.  And although I wasn't planning on buying a ring, I did.  It's quite different!

This is just an example of course.  The stone will be a garnet ~ it's my birthstone and UNM's colors are red and silver.  There's a ring presentation on May 1st, and apparently they dip your hand into red dye for the occasion.  Hey, in for a penny, in for a pound!  Might as well go for the whole experience.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone...

Love, 365


  1. It is indeed exciting. Congrats on being so close to wrapping up this awesome achievement. Take care and have a great weekend as well.

    1. Thank you! I went to the fair for the discount, and ended up enjoying the experience.

  2. You must be thrilled it's almost completed or do you feel a bit sad?

    1. I don't feel sad at all. It's been a very long journey and I am ready to move on to other things ~ for at least a year or two. I might go back for my's certainly on my radar.


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