March 2, 2019

Patchwork thoughts......

I am that girl ~ but I admit that after having 3 class days off, it was tough to go back on Thursday.  And our grad student instructor was nearly manic.  I think she was irritated that the uni announced a snow day, lol.  But she continues to fail to lead us in a logical way.  I overheard three of my class mates discussing it on Thursday.  I think she is trying to break away from the usual highly structured classroom, and I commend her for that ~ but it's not really working. 

Romeo has been substitute teaching this past week.  The school was so close he simply walked there and back, which he loved.  His one issue with substituting is that the school be within a 5 to 15 min drive and no further, which makes sense because they don't pay much.  If he has to drive 30 minutes, then it's simply not worth it no matter how cheap gas is.  It does provide us with a little more discretionary income which is always welcome!

Speaking of jobs, even though I do enjoy working where I'm at right now, I might consider looking for a job that pays better after graduation.  I really need to stay put until graduation though.  Who else is going to let me leave for class?  I consider it a huge bonus that they support me in that way, but don't be deluded....they also don't need to pay me for those hours either.  The only requirement they have is that my coworkers are ok with me leaving on certain days and times.   What about loyalty you say?  Well, considering I have worked there for over 4 years and I'm still way underpaid, and considering the history, I don't see them changing that anytime soon. 

Lest we all forget that "spring forward" is right around the corner.....

Oh, I think I can think of a few more things that suck time blogging, haha.

Love, 365


  1. the spring meme made me howl. I'm beginning to think we will never see warm temps again.
    will you be asked to evaluate this grad student instructor? whatever you do, be honest.

    1. With temps in the 60s this next week (predicted, anyway) I have hope, but I know winter will come back before it leaves for good! I took a chance and had a pedicure on Friday, in hopes of returning to sandals.
      **Unless honesty hurts someones feelings ~ you know what I mean ~ I am always honest. But ask me if those pants make you look fat and I might say that the style isn't quite flattering on you...haha I don't think it will matter as she is graduating with her PhD this May and is going to Toronto for an interview. No matter, I will write what I think.

  2. Yeah I am a Pinterest girl myself and get lost on there quite a bit lol

    1. I had to take the app off my phone, lol. It was too distracting at work.

  3. I'm curious to know how your husband is liking supply teaching. Is he elementary or secondary? I am also a teacher and can officially retire in 2021. I always said I would never ever do supply teaching, but there's a little piece of me that knows I'll be going stir crazy not having anything to do. Thank you for reminding me of daylight saving time, by the way! -Jenn

  4. Romeo was teaching middle school. Our school system is always in desperate need of substitutes, so if he wants to work, he can! It's much more low key and less stressful. If you think you'll miss the kids, then it might be a good way to help you transition into full time retirement. I see that there are many organizations that need volunteering as well, bu make sure you have sharpened your "No, I'm sorry I can't" skills, because they will overwhelm you.


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...