November 10, 2019

The silly season is nearly upon us......

I know you've seen this too....
Oh, boy, here we go.  The Christmas decor is up everywhere.  I noticed it at Costco before Halloween, but I suppose that has been true for a number of years.....the time they put it out is earlier and earlier.  In fact, some people on FB have announced that they've already put up their tree.  Not sure if they did outdoor decorations, but the tree is up!!  
Well, I may have started my Christmas shopping, but I am not putting up any trees until after Thanksgiving.  I love fall decor.  And the tree & other decorations gets old.  Why put it up so early?  ARGHHHHHHH.  My sister said it's because there's not as much time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but that sounds a little lame to me.
My co-worker was out all week last week with the flu.  I am glad she didn't come in because I didn't get my flu shot until last Saturday.  I've had the flu before, and it wasn't any fun at all.  At the same time, it was rough doing both of our jobs.  The other two co-workers only helped me out after they got their coffee :-( The 7:45-8:30 period is one of the busiest!  I did say something to our OM, and she said I should ask.  Well, the problem with that is, I was so busy I had no time to ask.  Sheesh.  One thing I did do when my moral was at the bottom was look at the want ads.  But as I've said before, I really hate losing all my vacation time.  And I have the maximum amount now that I've been there for nearly 5 years.  Wah wah wah.  I'm really being a cry baby, huh?
Speaking of crying, I met with a funeral home rep this weekend to put together a pre-paid funeral.  Although I see the need for it, it is not a fun conversation.  What kind of flowers? (I don't know). What type of casket?  (Uh, that one). What about the limousine service?  (I guess so).  On and on.  Way more details than I ever thought possible.  And, wow, is it expensive.  My original plan was cremation, but for religious reasons, I now need a standard funeral.  What a racket, eh?  It is expensive to live AND die.  

And so, given the "downer" nature of my post, here's something to chuckle at:

Have a great week y'all!
Love, 365


  1. These days I just enjoy other peoples decorations. Lazy and not children around, just doesn't get me inspired.

    1. I know what you mean Joeh. I plan to put up the tree this year, but there's still time to change my mind. :-)

  2. The pastor of our Church announced that we may begin seeing Christmas decorations beginning to go up and it's not even Thanksgiving yet. He said that he would prefer that such things wait until after Thanksgiving (Where upon I said a hearty "AMEN").

    He then said that he mentioned it to the people doing the decorating.
    They answered that since the church members had donated and purchased so much Christmas decorations and the fact that they have limited number of volunteers to put up all the decorations, that it takes over three weeks to get everything in place for Christmas.

    And they stated that since Thanksgiving falls where it does this year, there is simply no way to start after Thanksgiving and be able to have it all up before Christmas is actually over.

    The Pastor said that we have three options...

    One: we can simply cut back on the amount of decorations we have.
    - The congregation looked at the stony faces of our Senior Adult Women (read: Moms)
    And everyone quickly agreed that we would rather gnaw off our own legs than go down that road.

    Two: We could volunteer our own time and assist the Ladies in their happy task of putting up the decorations while being closely supervised by those same Moms.
    (This suggestion was met by such an astounding silence that the guy on the sound system started frantically checking his ears as he was sure that he had been struck deaf)

    Or the last suggestion: That we just smile and thank the Wonderful Ladies and think of it as simply weird Thanksgiving decorations.

    This last suggestion was met with thunderous applause and the subject was quickly changed to a much easier topic like explaining the Trinity or solving Pi to the last digit.

    Merry Thanksgiving to All and to All a Happy Veterans Day!

    MSG Grumpy

    1. Lol, it seems as though every church has "that" group of ladies! I'm so glad y'all decided on the less controversial things ~ like the Trinity, haha.

  3. I'm not a fan of early Christmas decorating. Often times, with our lives being so busy, we don't get a tree up until mid December. Sounds like your co-workers are taking advantage of you. -Jenn

    1. Oh, Jenn, you have no idea. Right now my plan is to infiltrate and destroy from within (followed by a maniacal chuckle).

  4. Ba Humbug! This is my least favorite time of year so I'm not thrilled seeing all these decorations well before we need to. Bad enough when it's December.
    I just saw what my mother was paying for all the funeral expenses after my father passed a few months ago. I find it offensive and senseless and he too did all this for religious reasons. My theory with his church is give the $$ to the Catholic church, it pays the transportation costs of shipping pedophile priests to another diocese is my theory. But who knows. I will do just the opposite than what she did. She has never had the money to put away and do this ahead of time and then when it happened she didn't either. Months later comes the life insurance money so this was a big deal for her and it was added stress she didn't need.
    But his religion wouldn't have it any other way. I am glad you can do this now. It also saves your children from wondering what you want.

    1. ....and one of the co-workers is already playing Christmas music, arghhhhhh

      There is more to the funeral planning....wait until you read that. Mind blowing. ~ Yvonne

  5. We don't do much for Christmas anymore, no kids at home and no promise of grandchildren either. In fact, a promise of NO grandkids. ::sigh:: When we still did do the whole decorating thing, I insisted we wait until December 11th, which is my birthday. When I was a kid, my birthday kept getting lost in all the Christmas crap. 'My' kids love doing holiday projects and making gifts for their families, that's where my Christmas spirit comes out. :)

    Re funeral stuff? Cremate me. Don't care what's done with the ashes.

    1. I finally found the perfect ~ well, artificial ~ Christmas tree about 5 years ago. And now I find it a giant pain in the ass and was thinking maybe I need to donate it and get one that sits on a table. Maybe I'll look for a small one after Christmas this year.

      Yes, cremation is the most popular option these days. Even the Catholics allow cremation ~ I thought that was recent, but apparently changed in the late 60s. But even if you're opting for cremation, it's still a good idea to plan it out so the kids don't have to do it.


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