March 7, 2020

Thank you James Joyce......

James Joyce was Irish....that explains a lot :-)
His genius: "you're getting on my nerves" ~ an expression that will likely never go out of style.

I'm willing to bet y'all know what's coming......yeah, it's Ms Loud again, comin at ya with her big ol' boots, smiling while trampling on my last nerve. The very last one.....
Which began right off the bat on our first day of work this week, pretty much at 8am.  Timing is everything, right?  She then had the audacity to continue trampling through for the entire week.  By Thursday afternoon I was looking for 5pm to come along so she would go home, not to be seen again until next Tuesday.  ARGHHHHH  

You've heard the recommendation of our medical professionals on preventing the spread of infection of the good ol' corona virus, right?  DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE


oops again....

In 2015 someone did a study on how often we touch our faces (I know, what a waste of money, right?) and it turns out that in one single hour, the average is 24 times.  Mostly of our eyes, nose and mouth.  I was listening to a radio program where they were talking about avoiding touching your face....this was while I was rubbing my eye, and the itchy nose.  They even admitted that it's nearly impossible to just stop touching it.  They recommended you become aware of how often you do it, which when I paid attention was pretty terrifying.  Now they are calling the virus COVID-19.  I don't know~ are they trying to make it sound more horrible?  A later radio broadcast featured a physician discussing how the corona virus doesn't transmit as easily as say, the flu.  

Although it is nice to have a break from the childishness of the current political situation, I think the media is fueling fear of the illness.  I have been unwittingly drawn into it, wavering on when I should go to Texas to visit the family.  I had planned on going in May.  Now I wonder if I should just wait until August........

So, I haven't decided yet.  I should just go ahead and book it since it's Southwest.  I've rescheduled flights before without penalty.  Ahhhhhhh, my indecision is driving me crazy.  And I'm not excited to spend time in a closed environment, breathing in everyone's crud.  Almost tempted to drive it.

Enjoy your weekend!
Love, 365


  1. Panic never solves anything, we all need to be concerned, and I wash my hands before I leave the house and when I come home. Awareness is good, panic is worthless. Our politicians from the top to state governors are criticized for taking it too lightly and if they warn of the potential of this virus they are criticized for starting a panic. I have Tourettes, I can't stop twitching sometimes never mind touching my face.

    1. The hysteria is really out of control. Every time I turn on the tv or the radio, I hear a new program about the virus.
      I don't have Tourettes, but I sure do touch my face a lot.

  2. Ha ha.... I like that..... installing fans outside.
    Like Joeh says, panic gets you no where.

    1. Thank you for stopping in! One thing I'm not doing is stocking up on hand sanitizer (which I never liked anyway), tp, etc. One friend remarked about hand sanitizer: so, now you have a bunch of dead bacteria/viruses on your hands, which is a gross visual.

  3. James Joyce, a good ole' Cork City boy! Tried to read Ulysses once.


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