November 22, 2020

Live & learn.....


This isn't my bread, but it is very similar.  I was so disappointed that I spent nearly the entire day doing all the steps and it didn't come out the way I wanted.  However, it was edible and delicious, so my friend says it's not a "fail".  Very nice to say, but no....I wanted all my efforts to produce the bread texture I wanted.  I am spoiled and not very patient with myself 😏

This past week has been very difficult.  I think that Romeo is feeling the stress of all the Covid crap and is not sleeping well.  He is worrying too much, and I told him that worry never solves anything.  Easy to say, not so easy to do. And for some reason I have felt very fatigued this week.  I was supposed to do something on Saturday that I sent a last minute email letting them know I just couldn't.  Which I don't normally ever do.  So maybe I'm letting stress and worry get to me too. 

Friday my chef friend and I got together ~ something we do every 2 weeks ~ and we made this:

Blueberry filling (made from scratch), then lemon curd (made from scratch), then swiss meringue .......

The most fun is browning the meringue with my torch.  Guys aren't the only ones who like playing with fire 😁  We also made sweet potato vegan scones which were surprisingly delicious, because for the most part I don't seem to like vegan stuff.  But For the next 30 days I'm on a vegan diet, so.....well, except for Thanksgiving.  We have turkey, and the pie, biscuits, gravy, cranberry, salad...plenty.  We have much to be thankful for.  

I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving, even though we are likely not getting together with large groups (or any groups at all).  Be safe, wash your hands, wear your mask, and for pete's sake, don't touch your face.

Love, 365


  1. I understand the desire to meet a challenge but the trouble with bread like that is my jam runs through it! That pie looks pretty darned good though.

    1. Lol, I know! Why do I want that open crumb? It's a challenge. There's nothing wrong with the bread I make every week, it's great. I am trying again, so we'll see. And that pie is freaking amazing.

  2. Replies
    1. It's a no brainer ~ I love blueberries, adore lemon curd and swiss meringue. My pie crust was not as technically good, but once you bite into the pie, you don't even notice. :-)

  3. Wow, i wish I were your neighbor. It would be worth taking another covid test so you could share :-)
    The stress of it all is getting to us in numerous ways. Add my health issues right now and we are off the charts. Be well, enjoy Thanksgiving!

    1. I wish you were too! I bake way too much for two of us, although I do take a lot of it to work or neighbors.
      I hope you stay steady on your road to recovery, Peg. Hugs & prayers!

  4. The bread doesn't have to look good to taste good lol Fresh homemade bread is always the best! I couldn't wait and had a huge slice when it was still piping hot. Mine was dense as usual.
    This darn covid is getting us all down. Hope you're feeling perkier by now.

    1. It is so good right out of the oven! Unfortunately you really should let sourdough cool for an hour before you slice it ~ it can affect the texture of the bread if you do it too soon. But no worries, because there are plenty of "regular" home-made breads that are perfect for cutting piping hot!
      I am feeling a bit better. I decided it is partially stress and partially the Nativity fasting. Still, hoping I will lose a pound or two :-)


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