June 1, 2022

How am I losing track of the days already?......


These are not good cactus to run into....but the blooms are really pretty!

These are a native gourd species......the gourds are about fist size when they are fully grown.  Some folks will dry them and decorate.  It's a lot of trouble!  I tried once, but decided it isn't worth it.

These are in a neighbors yard, yellow bird of paradise.  Beautiful...

Day 1.  Yes, it's only day 1, and I am already confused about what the hell day it is.  Yesterday I drove to the office to pick up my last check and drop off a cake I made ~ which I had promised to bring on my last day, which would have been yesterday!  Of course, in reality my last day was last Thursday.  Maybe that's why I'm already constantly reminding myself that today is Wednesday, hahahahahahahaha......(yes, I intended that to sound/look demented.  :D

I must say, I am really enjoying not having a alarm.  Too bad my inner clock is still set to going to work.  I have not slept any later than 6 am since turning them off.  I figured it would take me a long time to adjust.  In the meantime, it's great.  But, yeah, it's only day one.

I made buttermilk waffles (with strawberries, pińon nuts and a bit of maple syrup)  for breakfast yesterday, after we came back from our walk...a "not to shabby" 3 miles.  It's been a really long time since I've made them. The inspiration was I have lots of buttermilk left over from the cake.  I still have plenty left over to make biscuits Thursday afternoon.  I don't like wasting food, so I'm going to find a way to use it up.  I know y'all are very aware of the prices for groceries!  Not to mention gas.  

Hopefully since I'll get lots of excersize it'll keep me from gaining weight from all this baking, lol.

Love, 365


  1. If not for the TV schedule I would almost never know what day it is.

  2. Now that is an enviable breakfast. A sort of 'weekend breakfast' for most of us and now you have time for imaginative breakfast every day. Enjoy it.

    1. You've hit the nail on the head....I never had time for those except for the weekend. Luckily, the recipe always makes way more than one breakfast, and they are easily heated up in the toaster!

  3. Sounds like you are enjoying your first few days of retirement! The food all sounds delicious too!~


    1. I was sort of hoping to drop a few pounds, but it looks like that may not happen!

  4. Slowly slowly. You'll get used to that feeling of leisure and pleasure . Meanwhile very early morning is probably a good time to get up in your climate. It's got to be cooler! Then you can have a siesta ☺️

    1. Yes, morning is the best time to bake bread. Our temps are still cool in the morning, and it doesn't get too hot until around 2 to 3. Unfortunately I am not really a nap taker...I really admire the ability to just drop off for an hour or so!

  5. Pretty soon you won't care what day it is, as they are all good days.


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...