July 16, 2022

Fun times and more bread.....

This delightful and lovely young lady is getting married in a little over a week.  She's a dedicated employee of my previous work place....dependable, on time, great with patients, and patient with the dentist she works for.  The office manager set up a surprise bachelorette party for her yesterday, and it was fun to be with most of the staff, trade stories, and catch up on what is happening.  One of our hygienists was not there, her husband traveled, and brought home not only some kind of crud (not Covid) and pink eye of all things.  She's been off a week...I will have to give her a call today and see how she's doing.


I certainly wish her and her fiance all the best, and many years together.  

Today I am baking a loaf of sourdough for our Priest's family.  His wife asked me if I bake often, and would I mind baking for them now and then?  She pays me for it, said she would buy bread anyway.  At $5, I give them quite the discount, as other home bakers I've read about sell for $7 up to $11.  I need to bake it today, you know, one of the hottest days we will have this week.  I just love turning on the oven when it's in the 90s, don't you?  Ah, well.  Yesterday I baked two loaves in the early morning, but really all that did was heat things up earlier.  I just hope it turns out better than yesterday's bread....but I did put a liner in the basket, and floured it liberally.  It'll probably be fine.  Probably.

As I was sitting in the kitchen writing this post I suddenly heard a loud BANG, jumped about 6 inches off of my chair.....the damned cellular blind broke.  Scared the crap out of me.  The cellular blinds I bought that don't have cords (you just lift them) have not lasted at all, probably because of how hot it gets here, and the intensity of the sun.  I have two blackout shades in the living room that I have had for 15 years (although I noticed the cord isn't working as well on one of them).  I will need to buy new ones, but first we have to decide on a color.  Drat.  How to pick a neutral color?  Gray is popular, but for how long?  Currently I have a muted cinnamon color, but I'd like to change that if I have to start from scratch.  I am leaning toward a med blue with gray undertones. I swear, every time I turn around, something breaks.  I already bought a new faucet for the kitchen sink, we need to replace the downstairs toilet, and now the blinds.  Recently the dryer repair.  Romeo is going to pile up all these chores and plans to do them while I'm out of town. 

 Awwww, the puppies have been born.  Momma had two boys (and so did I!).  So tiny and cute.  We will be traveling (yep, once again!) to pick him up in Sept.  Can't wait.

Well, I better get going.  Have a wonderful Saturday!

Love, 365


  1. I too am wishing the young soon to be married couple much happiness and many years together! I bet the bread you make is delicious! Definitely a labor of love to bake it in the heat of summer. We do not turn our oven on from about May to the end of October here (or very rarely if we do). I think the color you want for the blinds is a good color! One time the house we were living in, the glass shower door broke. It made such a loud noise! So thankful no one was in the shower at the time. Things seem to break in threes at our house. Cute little puppy!! The joys you will have with him!


    1. It is a good/bad thing turning on that oven (to 450 degrees no less) just to bake bread! I've seen people bake on their grill, but mine is really old, and probably doesn't quite get hot enough. We are going to get a new grill, and maybe I'll revisit the idea. I do like the idea of not heating up the house!
      We are excited about the puppy......he won't be ready to come home until the first part of Sept. I think the time will fly by though!

  2. I don't make bread but I am making gluten free won ton wrappers today. It went down to 89 today.
    I will use them for egg rolls though. Same dough. I pray this works. If it does I may venture into gf breads from the place I get my gf flour. HA. I then think, no leave the bread to Yvonne. Safe Travels. CAn't wait to see the new puppy!

    1. There are tons of recipes for making gluten free bread. There might even be some using sourdough starter! I do love won tons. We haven't hauled out the fryer in awhile, but I've been thinking about them lately.... I really need to make more headway on my packing, but somehow I always get everything done in time. Of course, I do forget at least one thing every time!

  3. F went aaahhhh over the puppy. I, the Tigger, looked away. It's way too hot for bread baking (or roasting chicken) here too.

    1. It's ok Tigger ~ I didn't expect you to be excited over a puppy! Now, a goldfish....hmmmmm
      It is too hot. I do need to bake one more time before I go. Can't leave Romeo without any bread!


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