July 21, 2022

Road trippin'.......


This Sunday I will fly to Texas, and on Tuesday my sister and I will be driving to Pennsylvania.  I have not been on a road trip that long in decades.  I know this will be a one time event ~ likely neither of us will do this type of trip again.  

I have been anxious about what to pack.  I've never had to pack for 17 days away from home before.   When we went to the Grand Canyon, I had 4 shirts I never wore.  Never!  So I don't want to do that, but I've also packed too light and ran out of stuff.  Or discovered I brought lots of shorts and capri pants and not enough shirts.  My sister asked me if I was bringing a light jacket. It has been over 100 degrees here lately, and I had not even considered a sweater or jacket.  The very idea makes me want to faint.

I also bought packing cubes.  It seems like a good idea, as I can put shirts in one, shorts and pants in one, etc.  That way I don't have to dig through my luggage to find things, making it necessary to re-organize it every day or so.  

Romeo keeps presenting the worst case scenario ........ nightmarish stories about cancelled flights and lost luggage.  He is such a ray of sunshine :-)

So, I'm both excited and nervous.  I guess if I forget something that I really need, I will have to buy it.  

Love, 365


  1. Take it easy. You can always buy something as you said. I haven't travelled in years but I used to pack my bag a couple of weeks beforehand, over pack, and slowly take things out. Still took too much or forgot something vital. If you're flying the lighter the better I suppose.
    Make a check list for those snacks! Can't overdo those

    1. Lol, we are going out on Monday to shop for snacks. I like fruit and cheetos :D But will probably pass on the cheetos since it's a new car, and you know, orange fingers. I think I have enough clothing (and enough underwear that I won't ever need to wash any, haha). Tomorrow, off I go! I attended Liturgy tomorrow, and received a travel blessing from our priest too. Covering all the bases.

  2. The key is if you both like whats playing on the radio. Road Trip Music is of the uptmost importance you know.
    So you're ONE OF THOSE who does not unpack her suitcase the entire time, just rummages through it for days. (shaking my head) LOL
    And I know you think it sounds awful, but a light summer sweater becasue if they have air in the east it is always cranked and even going to the grocery store is a visit to alaska that after 5 minutes you are damn cold. And lastly- a tip for next trip - you can fed ex or UPS your stuff to the hotel or to family so it is there when you arrive vs getting lost before you even can fly out of/leave TX.

    1. Oh, Peg! You and Romeo. He said I could pack some clothes and mail them to my sister. I am willing to take a chance and just hope for the best. I am often the "fly by the seat of my pants" kind of girl. It drives Romeo crazy. I did pack a light sweater, and am thinking I will put it in my carry on, since airports can be chilly. I got the packing cubes, and I think they'll be great. Tops in one, underwear and bras in another, pants and shorts too. I don't unpack, because I've left items of clothing here and there. Scatter brained, and impulsive. :-)

  3. My wife, and I, take road trips for three or four days as often as we can afford. We found less is much better than more. Most hotels have somewhere to do laundry, worst case scenarios allow a stop for some clothes, and the little things are what you realize you didn't bring.

    One necessity we found was a small ice chest. A few drinks, maybe some lunchmeat, and something to snack on go a long way, when the prospect of a stop for something to eat means veering from a beautiful drive.

    1. I have a great small ice chest for car trips, but of course I can't take it with me. My sister said she bought one, and I bet it's too small, but we'll see. I'm sure we'll stop for at least one meal a day. You just can't live on travel snacks, but they'll keep you going until a late lunch calls us!

  4. Safe travels, have fun and I hope you get the best snacks but tacos do sound good right now.

    1. I could live on tacos........current favorite are fish tacos, but I make a mean beef taco (unless I'm not paying attention and put cinnamon in instead of chili powder.

  5. I wish I was going on a road trip. Have fun and drive safe.

    1. Thanks Debby! I am looking forward to just the two of us, like in the old days. I wonder if we'll run out of stuff to talk about?

  6. Safe travels! I'm sure everything will go fine. When the kids were younger and we took yearly vacations, I always made sure I packed my daughter's medicine. If I forgot anything else, I knew I could buy it but it would be hard to get her medicine. Looking forward to hearing your adventures when you return.


  7. I have my meds, it was one of the first things I put in the pill holder. Everything else is replaceable, but I sure hope I don't have to do that. Thank you for your well wishes!


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