July 15, 2022

Triumphs and failures......


It really doesn't seem to matter how long you've baked bread, you have those moments when it turns out so good, you mentally review ~ "what did I do differently"?  Then there are the moments everything turns to shit, and you know what you did wrong, but it's way to late to do anything about it.  At least it's always edible.  Oh, it might not be that great, but you could make croutons or at the very least, bread crumbs.  As you may have guessed, I had the crap result today, because the bread stuck to the banneton (cane basket used for shaping) and by the time you get it out, all the lovely gas bubbles inside were shaken out as you desperately tried to release it.  Ugh.  

I am finally out and about again.....went to the church to help with the Greek festival baking, which I have really missed.  I can help out a couple of times next week, but then I will be gone for over 2 weeks on the road trip.  There's a lot of travel on my schedule for this summer.  I certainly hope that I don't get Covid again.  I really hate wearing a mask, but I will do so in the airport and on plane.  And I forgot to get my booster yesterday, so will try to do that today.  I tried to schedule it with the pharmacy, but the information they wanted me to provide was a no go for me, as I doubt their system security.  So, I will call, or just go down there.

I've started my packing (I leave in 9 days).  I am worried I won't be able to fit what I need for 2 weeks!  I'm not sure how we'll do laundry!  I guess we can do some when we get to my cousin's house.  My Aunt and Uncle had a dairy farm, and when they retired, they built a two bedroom retirement home just up the road from the farm.  My cousin then assumed the work of the farm.  He offered to let us stay at the retirement house (Aunt and Uncle passed away about 10 years ago), but what I didn't know is that there is NO furniture in it.  He is bringing two beds to put in for us to sleep on, but there's nothing else!  We will be spending non-sleeping time visiting with my cousin and his wife, or walking around the farm.  It's a lovely place, with lots of birds and trees.  We won't be there too long, about 3 nights.  

As you can see, this is a massive road trip.  I've not been on one like this in over 45 years.  My sister and I get along very well, or I wouldn't even consider it!  :D  Still, there will be issues, aren't there always?  I am concerned about the time frame, she wants to leave on Tuesday, but I think we should leave on Monday.  Just in case.  Because the burial is scheduled for Friday, and there always something.  An accident, or terrible weather  (like the flooding and rain they've had in the northeast lately).  I want to give it an extra day...we'll see what she says when we talk this weekend.

Well, I hope all of you have a great weekend!  I am looking forward to a surprise bachelorette party for one of my co-workers this afternoon.  The first time I will see them outside of the office since retirement!

Love, 365 


  1. Hard for us foreigners to imagine what distance that line represents. I can only guess its like travelling half wzy across Australia. Glad to read you are feeling better.

    1. One way, the trip is about 1,700 miles. It's a long way. And since we don't want to do that in one 25 hour day :D we are breaking it up into 3 days.

  2. Road trips are so exciting. When I was a kid every two years we would drive from California to Eastern Tennessee and then we'd go to the east coast and then over to Ohio and Indiana where my parents had family - and then go home. I loved those trips.

    Have fun - and enjoy.

    1. Sounds as though your family did the same thing we did every 2 years, driving from south Texas to Pennsylvania. Sometimes it was fun, and depending on Dad's mood, sometimes not so much. Giggling girls in the back of the station wagon must have been annoying.

  3. Glad you are getting out and about and resuming somewhat normal activities :) It does look like a long car ride ahead for you and your sister when you start traveling . I always err on the side of caution and want to allow time for things that could come up along the way so I would be in favor of leaving earlier than later! Safe travels when you do go!


    1. Maybe I'll have you call my sis and explain planning for delays! I agree.


Two weeks and counting.......

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