July 23, 2022

Ready or not............


Don't worry I haven't forgotten how this movie ended.....

There will be no zooming off a cliff in our travel adventures, I assure you!  I did enjoy Thelma and Louise though.  Great movie.  

I've had my hair cut, a pedicure done, my clothes are all packed.  I did buy a couple of small bottles for shampoo/conditioner, but the caps don't close tightly, so I'm not going to use them.  The worst part is all the lotion, and hair products (yeah, there are 3).  I put them in zip lock bags, so no problem with spillage.  But they do take up space.  And now I have no room for tennis shoes.  So, maybe I'll find a cheap pair, as I've been assured we will be hiking.  My hiking shoes are too big to fit in the small space I will have left.  They are serious hikers that were great at the Grand Canyon!

There isn't much left to do, so I figured I will relax today.  

It's been so long since I've flown anywhere, I totally spaced the check in, so it's a good thing Southwest sent me a reminder!  How about that.  I got B, which is what I usually get anyway.  

I will be wearing a mask, which I really hate.  But being on a plane with a bunch of people...and I just got over the dratted virus.  I sure don't want to arrive with it.  From experience I know that being in a car with someone who's sick is a guarantee you're going to get sick too.  

So, since I am not really able to blog on my phone, I will be out until Aug. 9th.  I hope all of you take care of yourselves, and enjoy!

Love, 365


  1. Enjoy your time and safe travels.


  2. Have a lovely time. Great sightseeing and hiking

  3. ship, ship, ship them. You are going through all this stress. Pack it up when you arrive it will be at the doorstep of your relatives in harrisburg or where ever it is you're going. I do it all the time. No stress!


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...