July 6, 2022

It wasn't Covid that brought me down....


I hope y'all had a great 4th of July!  I did not.  I was flat on my back, with one hell of a migraine.  

I woke up on the 3rd, I noticed that I had a raging headache.  I did what I normally do, which was take an OTC meds and wait a couple of hours to take the last of the morning anti-virals for Covid.  Ok, so let me back up just a minute to let you know how the anti-virals worked for me.  Keeping in mind that I know nothing about HOW they work.  

The anti-virals did work.  We felt better quickly.  It's a 5 day regimen, both a morning and evening dosages of 3 pills each.  By the third day, I felt myself, although I did feel tired.  For me, the worst side affect was the nasty taste in my mouth.  Some days it would dissipate quickly, some days not.  I didn't like it at all.  And some people have diarrhea...the really awful kind (you know what I mean!).  But I was feeling hopeful until the last day I was taking them.  I really don't know if there was any kind of cause and effect.  Romeo doesn't get migraines.  But I have, ever since I was a teenager.

Many years ago, I had an MRI and other tests to see (I suppose) if I had a brain tumor.  Nope.  Terrible allergies?  Nope.  I don't get the aura or other signs some people get that give them a clue it's time to take their medication.  No, I just feel strange, and then the next thing I know, I'm barfing my guts out. 

And when that debilitating dizziness hits, all I can do is lay down in a darkened room and try to move as little as possible.  Because I know from experience that if I get up, it will ALL come up.  Then it's a race to see if I can reach the bathroom quick enough.  Romeo is experienced ~ we've been married over 40 years.  He gets a small trash can, lined with a bag and sets it nearby.  Gets me what ever I ask for.  It's a lot more comfortable when he is around and can help me.  

During my working years, I would have to make a judgement call if it was a regular headache or a migraine.  Sometimes I was wrong, driving home with the a/c on it's coldest, leaning back as far as I can, sunglasses on and a barf bag in my hand.  And yes, more often than not I had to pull over for a minute or two.  The drive as fast as possible, during that small window when the nausea takes a step back. 

But these days the pain and all the other fun lasts 2 to 3 days instead of the 24 hours they used to be.  I had not been able to eat anything at all for nearly 3 days.   So, although I don't have them very often, when I do, it's truly awful.  The last two times (and the last one was just as bad) I cried, I was just so tired of it all.  The nausea is just unbearable.  Add that little bout to just coming off Covid was too much.  I've been sick for 10 days, and I finally feel a bit better.  But what do I do if I get one on the trip?  I'm terrified.  

Because my migraines are unpredictable and spaced rather far apart, I can't get the treatments they prescribe for those poor souls who have 15 (!!!!!) or more a month.  It is my opinion that some migraines are just a pain in the head, and don't lead to vomiting your guts out, or almost falling over if you try to walk to the restroom.  (Yes, once I crawled to the restroom because I did fall over, although it was a hallway, so I didn't just fall as crumple)  

So, sorry to devote this to a whiny snot fest. 

Love, 365


  1. Ooh dear, I'm sorry you have been suffering with those dreadful migraines. Years ago, out of the blue, I started suffering from migraines. The doctors ruled out most ideas, and then I read an article about certain food dyes that may trigger headaches. I started keeping a food log of everything I ate, and low and behold, the times I indulged in chocolate, or anything with red dye in it, was the days I suffered with a migraine. Now years later, I am able to eat without consequences but thought I would pass the info along to you. Hugs,

    1. I have done the diet diary and came up with nothing...it sure would be nice if I knew all I had to do is avoid strawberries, or chocolate or cheese! There never really seems to be a rhyme or reason, and believe me, I've had enough to see that there is no one size fits all. But, I will talk to my doc about it, and she'll probably send me to the neurologist again. Thanks for the hugs, they are the best medicine ever.

  2. Oh my goodness that is worse than Covid. I was on a birth control in my late 20s and I got migraines that paralyzed my face (one side) I'd vomit, and every thing you said. I went through this for 3 months before they found out it was the birth control. I got off those immediately!! Not a single one since. I'm sorry you have to go through this! If it makes you feel any better my 4th was shit too. :-)

    1. Aww, I'm not feeling better because you had a crappy 4th!!! We had our 4th of July today....grilled watermelon (definitely a must if you love watermelon and super easy), grilled hot dogs, beans with chopped up jalepenos......yum.
      Yeah, it was worse than Covid. Still don't understand if it was just too much drugs in my system, which I suspect. I feel better! But I didn't lose a single pound. Doesn't that suck?

  3. Oh wow. So sorry you get these headaches! Hard to plan things not knowing when they will strike. But I am glad to hear the antivirals did their job and you started feeling better sooner than later after taking them.


    1. Yeah, I guess the anti-virals worked, since the only thing I did feel was tired. The not knowing is the worst part. But I feel much much better! And for that I am grateful!

  4. Your migraines are truly terrible. Glad the covid meds worked but sorry to hear you suffer so much from those headaches.

    1. Thank you! At least they are not very common. The last one was six months ago, so if I have to, that's better than every month.

  5. Ughh that's awful! Glad the medicine worked for the Covid, but uggghhhhh on the headaches!!!

    I have migraine meds for mine, but mine aren't like yours. I take Sumatriptan, which is the generic for Imitrex. I don't like taking them, they make me feel crappy in other ways, but migraines are awful, so I do.

    Mine are triggered by MSG, dehydration, and even though the Menopause Fairy visited me several years ago, once about every three months I get that old hormone surge and a headache.


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