August 17, 2014

Cutting boards from Vermont....

I love a good cutting board...

These owl boards are too cute....

Happy Birthday, Aaron!  Today is my eldest son's birthday....he lives in Round Rock (just North of Austin).  We talked on the phone, had a few laughs, discussed the wedding coming up in October.  If only we were 8 hours away instead of 12!  I wish we were closer, but it was my idea to move to Albuquerque, and for the most part I love it.  

I finally found a dress to wear to the's lovely ~ and it fits! ~ I need shoes now, but I'm not in any hurry.  I'm sure I'll find the perfect pair somewhere.

School starts on Monday, and I think I already mentioned we don't need to buy a book (woo hoo!).  I have enjoyed the summer, but I am ready to get back to it!  I suppose I will find out the focus of the class as soon as I log on.  When I took Human Evolutionary Ecology, I didn't have a clue that the focus was primates.  Still, Evolutionary Medicine seems straightforward.  

And now, for a little levity:

Hee hee...

Too funny, and yet...

Oh, Steve! Oh, Emily........

Tener una buena semana! (have a good week)

Amor, 365

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