January 6, 2015

Wow, I really don't have a publishable title for this one.....

Self portrait, taken this morning.

This morning when my alarm went off, I did the usual ~ in bed mind you ~ check e-mail and bank account.  I was dismayed unhappy pissed off to note that my gym membership dues had been f**ked up again.  This all began at the end of Sept. when the tennis people had a fundraiser of some sort.  To this day I don't know or care what it was for, but I bid on a one year membership thinking it would save me $$, something we all strive to do because then we can spend put it in savings for our eventual retirement, or an emergency or something.  Right?  Yeah.  I will spare you the long story, but these people still haven't got it right.  Going on 3 months now.  The general manager is an ass, and the assistant manager is an ass too.  I swear, I'm ready to cancel the damn thing and be done with it.  Every month I am promised that it will be corrected, and every month so far it's still screwed up.  How long can it take for someone to spend a few (&^$%^ minutes to correct the draw on my account?  Not to mention that I told the GM that I was laid off from work and would really appreciate the saving RIGHT NOW.  Well, you see where that gets me.  I asked the assistant mngr who to talk to in corporate, but she said she thought it would be better if she called.....now I'm suspicious, but I realize it is in my nature to be so when faced with this kind of snafu.  I will wait to hear back from her (hopefully another promise that won't show up on my front porch in a brown bag that's in flames), before I go totally ballistic to corporate.  Sheesh.  This is not what I need two days before one of the most important interviews in my current life cycle.  And to think that yesterday I was all like, happy and shit.  

Love, 365

1 comment:

  1. Call your financial institution and tell them that you don't want this to come from your account, that they're billing incorrectly. It's the same as stealing/fraud. Really. Like your pic. :)


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