January 23, 2015

Two months later.....

Me, my sister and "Santa"......

This photo is of my sister and her husband, who I call Santa in jest.  Although what's up with the trend to growing facial hair?  I certainly don't understand it.  He is retired, so I can conclude that he always wanted a huge beard but never felt he could go for it when he was working.  Looks like a pain in the ass to me.....grooming, and keeping food out of it...I guess beards are shampooed as well?  I wonder if he uses conditioner too?  I will have to ask, lol.

Time is a funny thing.  When I was working, it seemed to go by so fast.  There are still times when it seems I'm on a pair of waxed skis hurtling into the future so fast the snow might catch fire.  This morning I was considering how long I've been out of work, and realized it's only been about 68 days or so.  And so, I'm trying to relax and enjoy it while pursuing meaningful work, which is driving me crazy.  The juxtaposition isn't escaping my notice.  What really surprises me is how few of the projects that I'd had unfinished are actually being finished....so far they are gathering dust.  I have promised myself that I will finish putting that quilt together next week, I will clean my refrigerator, and I will send all my receipts to the FSA people for reimbursement.  I suppose it's good to have goals.  Of course my main goal is to find work, as soon as possible, but I've decided that I would prefer to have part-time work so that I have the opportunity to finish my degree, and go wherever that might take me.

Yesterday I went to my friend's house after she was done with work and made key lime pies....without the key limes because they aren't in season.  I haven't tasted it yet, because we finished up kinda late, and it needs to be refrigerated for a few hours, and I didn't want to stay up until 11pm to taste it, lol.  My friend tasted it and said it was "amazing".  We had so much fun, we decided to make it a monthly endeavor...she feels she "can't bake" ~ meaning cookies, cakes, pies...in short her baking is "always a disaster".   Her last attempt was cookies that turned out to be brownies!  I'm not sure how that worked out, but I'm there to give her my advice & experience (because I love to bake and I'm good at it).  I'm looking forward to expanding my friendships (suggested she invite other people over and make it a group thing) and she'll overcome her lack of confidence in baking.  I think that's all she lacks, plus some common sense changes in the recipe, like baking those previously mentioned pies for 15 to 20 min instead of 10, like the recipe states.  Because there were raw egg yolks, and I didn't think 10 min was enough.  I will make the whipped cream for the topping and we'll have it tonight for dessert....

As you can see, I really didn't have anything special to write about.  And I need to get going on my Friday house cleaning...come and help me, won't you?

Love, 365

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