July 3, 2016

Where is everybody???

Cedar Crest trail, Sandia Mountains

The view from Cedar Crest

Flowering pines

Keeping a strong grip on the cliff's edge

Not all the trees have leafed out yet

Alien life forms? ha ha ha

For us, Sunday morning is lazy......for awhile.  This is when I most often write a post, and try to catch up on my reading.  Lately, I've noticed a lag in postings, and why not?  It's summer, and the trails (or chores) call to us.  Our gardens need watering, the dog is begging for an early walk.   

As far as the letter to UNM, the words are still floating around in my head.  I've yet to feel motivated to put them down on paper.  I plan to outline the points this afternoon.  Exercise always helps me organize my thoughts.....at 9am I'll get dressed and head on out to the racquetball court.  It's easy, because I go no matter how crappy my hair looks.  No makeup.  Although to be fair, I do try to tame the locks so as to avoid gasps of horror.  I hope that "wailing on the ball" ~ as my friend Denise puts it ~ will help me separate the wheat from the chaff.

Enjoy your Sunday ~ and Happy July 4th, Americans!

Love, 365


  1. I'm here. Keeping busy. Surgery in the near future, so trying to catch up with all the things that need doing so I can recuperate without guilt. Tie dyeing some stuff today and tomorrow. Continuing with dehoarding.

    When I write something serious, I often take weeks to write it. Or rather, weeks to think about it. When I finally sit down to actually write, it just... flows. To someone who doesn't know me well, it would appear that I am simply an amazing writer. But the pangs of creativity/obsession happen out of sight. So the parts that are visible... the act of writing and the finished product... well, they look far easier than they really were/are. The thought processes? Not so easy.

    Good luck with the letter.

    1. You're right there.....it's not easy. And although I don't think it will ultimately make much of a difference ~ or any at all ~ I feel a lot of pressure in the writing of it.
      Even though your "kids" are missing you, and I realize that is a difficult thing for you to bear, try to enjoy your medical leave....and hope that your surgery relieves your pain.


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...