November 9, 2018

Silly stuff that drives us nuts.....

This isn't true at home (because Romeo and I don't share a bathroom, best thing ever...) but at work it's crazy true. 
It is silly ~ we have toilet paper holders with two rolls in it at work.  It's designed so that people can't steal the rolls ~ which is also silly because there's a basket with a bunch of rolls in it.  Anyway, for some reason the majority of the people in our office apparently don't know how to replace the paper when one runs out.  Once I went in and both were empty.  I drives me crazy.  On the other hand, if they want to pay for my time to put on new paper, well, ok.  But seriously?  All you have to do is tear off the cardboard thingy and then you can get the holder out.  Troglodytes.

 This is to the guy who refused to let me merge right after I left the freeway returning to work on Thursday.  And yes, I had my turn signal on.

Like the guy behind me in class that kept coughing and sneezing, and probably no hankie (what are those????) or tissue.  The back of my head felt contaminated....

Does this habit make you crazy too?  This and the drivers that slooooow waaaay down because the light ahead is that you miss the protected left turn and have to wait through another change of traffic lights.  Love that one.....

Okie dokie then.
Love, 365


  1. We have a corner with a light that has no left turn arrow. Generally there is one maybe two cars that want to turn left (usually me) across the way are about 150 cars that just want to go straight. The first cars in that line almost always burn rubber to get across and not let the two cars turn left and make three minutes before turning when the light turns red.

    Dang I hate that!!!

    1. Nearly every day!! LOL. Traffic woes are universally irritating. :-D

  2. All of these things rattle my cage too. I have a truck and if traffic is not moving too fast, I’ll start easing into the merge lane most of the time they get the message and let me in. I leave space between me and the rest of traffic when I approach a merge area. Traffic moves easier when people do that.

    1. At it's most basic, if everyone would be courteous, traffic wouldn't be as awful. I give myself this challenge: I drive the way I'd like everyone else to drive too. Hopefully they'll notice, haha.

  3. Staff room mess. Wash your own dishes, cover your food in the microwave, don't eat someone else's lunch or drink their water bottle...
    Also, drivers who do not know the basic fundamental rules of the road, like 'right of way'. They make me insane. -Jenn

    1. I saw this meme on FB: "Strange new trend at the office, where everyone is putting names on food in the company fridge. Today I had a tuna sandwich named Kevin". It happens.
      And what's with the lack of YIELD signs? Whose brilliant idea was that?

    2. Got one of these and they make the micro wave cover issue a no brainer...also good for keeping food warm.

    3. Hey! That's very clever, and I need one at home, cause you know ~ Romeo just doesn't consider the splatter thing.


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