January 14, 2019

Winter is settling in.....

This isn't my photo (but wow, I wish it were!)...you're looking at a Roadrunner flying!
I think this was taken around Las Cruces ~ I believe those are the Organ Mountains in the background.

Again, not my photo.  Shiprock, New Mexico ~ what an amazing shot!

We have had so much snow this winter ~ a 180 degree move from last winter when all we had were occasional flurries.  And it's been pretty cold too.  Right before Christmas until after New Years we had only a day or two over freezing.  Those of us that prefer warmer temperatures are ready for winter to end ~ which includes me.  Yesterday while at church services many folks didn't even take of their coats.  I thought it was perfectly comfortable, so it surprised me to notice it.  We're used to bright sunny days, so the mostly cloudy and snowy days have increased the number of people at the gym, and decreased the number I see out running on the trails. 

As a woman over 50, I've probably had nearly the same hair style for 10 years?  15?  My hairdresser routinely asks me if we're doing anything different (is she trying to tell me something?).  Every now and then I look for a new hair style to try, and generally give up after three or four months (sometimes sooner).  Once my hair reaches a certain length, it becomes difficult to style to my satisfaction.  And here I am, right now, considering giving up on the whole idea.  Women and our hair ~ smh.  Annoying.  I actually seriously looked at wigs, figuring I could wear one while the dreaded "ugly" stage is past ~ but I decided that was going a bit far. 

You guessed it ~ class starts a week from tomorrow.  On the plus side, it's my last class before graduation.  On the negative side, there's this:
The interesting thing about this one, is the student rated the Professor "Good".  
And this:
Just goes to show you that even after nearly 4 years of college, some students just don't get it about the phone issue, or "dozing off".  For the love of Pete, you just want to shake them until the marbles line up.

There are now six students signed up for the 4:30 class that I was hoping to take instead of the one I'm currently registered for.  I had no idea how many students need to be registered to prevent cancellation, but a quick call to the history department assured me that the class will be held.  So, I will be dropping the above class and taking this class instead.  "South America & the world".  What does that mean?????  I really don't know much about S America, but at this point I don't care.......  Of course I had already ordered my books for the first class, so I will have to return them.  Drat.

Have a great week ~ it was tough going back to work after all the holidays last week.  I'm hoping this week will be a bit easier.

Love, 365


  1. Your Graduation is probably seeming like a horse heading for the stable.

    I never knew a roadrunner could fly.

    1. I've lived here for over 20 years and have never seen one fly either!

  2. I don't think I have ever seen a roadrunner in flight. Cool! So all this time he could have flown away from Wily Coyote?

    I had to laugh when they said she is tough when you're on your phone and then you mentioned it. Come on what has happened to common sense?

    We just got 10 inches of snow yesterday. Hate it. Schools closed becasue here in VA 3 inches is a state of emergency. :-)

    I too, am contemplating growing out my hair. But like you it gets to a spot where it is so dreadful and I go to her and say, cut it. I want to get through the ugliness. I mean if Katie Couric could do it and I had to see her ugly stages on TV every morning I should be able to right? yeah, it sounds right in theory but....

    1. Being on your phone is one thing, but dozing off? Seriously, they think it's "mean" for the prof to get made because you've fallen asleep in their class???? OMG

      On the hair thing, I'm gonna try to push it for a few more weeks. We'll see how it goes.

  3. Thanks for your well wishes on my blog, appreciate it. How'd you find me? I was once going to be a historian, even got a MA in history from Cal before I decided medicine was my calling. South America history is fascinating, for all recorded history. Good luck in your studies this quarter/semester.

    1. Cranky? Most times I find new blogs on the ones I read now.

      Thanks for the well wishes ~ history is an incredibly vast subject that I find fascinating.

  4. So close! Keep going! Almost there!

    As one over 60, I got really tired of the same ol', so made some changes and like it. Be bold. Go forth.

    1. Thanks! And I am trying to make a change ~ but you know how it is with hair. It's that darned ugly stage that gets me.....


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...