May 27, 2020

Oh, the paranoia......

Oh, what a crazy day!  One of our hygienists called in sick for today ~ mostly she complained about a headache.  One of the symptoms of COVID.
Today, one of the four of us that works on the business side of the desk told us she was having stomach upset and diarrhea (cause you know, that's always something you want to share).  We told her to go home and rest.  Just found out that she is not coming in tomorrow either.
Around lunch time one of our dental assistants said she was feeling dizzy, and might have a migraine.  I gave her a couple of meclizine's and she went home. 

So, here it is, noon, and about a quarter of the staff is gone.  It was crazy busy, but we made it through.  Tomorrow another of the business staff is going to be late because she's also a property manager and is filing paper to evict a tenant.  She won't be long though, the last time she was in the office by 9am. 

For peace of mind, our office manager asked all 3 to get tested.  So, probably safe to assume that none of these people will be in until maybe Tuesday.  I just want to be transported to a warm sunny beach, where I could lay on the beach and drink cold beer for four days.

Now, I feel fairly confident that our hygienist is suffering from stress, and the fact that she became dehydrated....with all the personal protective equipment (ppe in case you didn't know the acronym) it is hard for them to drink enough ~ plus there's the consideration of having to go pee all the time.  She was tested before she came back to work (which was May 18th, so she's worked a total of 5 days over the last 8 days), and I thought the incubation period was at least a week, but apparently it's 2 to 14 days.  So, maybe?  My business desk co-worker is most definitely paranoid.  But when she gets sick she's nearly always out a week.  And as terrible as I feel about saying this, I think our dental assistant is making up her dizziness complaint and jumping on the bandwagon.  But, I could (and sincerely hope) that I'm just a mean bitch who isn't looking forward to the next few days.......

Hopefully all 3 will have negative results.  I also found out today that if you work in the health field that they can process your test and have a result in 24 hours...there's a bright patch on the horizon.

Oh, I wish I could retire now.......

Love, 365


  1. It's getting dangerous to clear your throat these days. In normal times we get illnesses, stress, off-days (even pre-menstrual - oh check no one is listening), so we hope your colleagues are 'normally' ill and not affected by this dreaded black-crow that is flapping over us all. My brother lived in the 2011 Christchurch (NZ) earthquake zone and said that afterwards it became apparent that in mega-stress natural disaster type situations like that there are 2 kinds of people (and none in between) - those for whom this is nothing but anxiety and fear, and those who are amazed and awestruck and wouldn't have missed this for the world even if just to have seen how communities pull together and people innovate and adapt. Change can be opportunity, and despite the dread of it all some really good stuff has the potential to come out of it in the end. Let's hope you days on a beach with cold beer in hand are not too far away.

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your comments! I think you're spot on about there being two types of people when the chips are down. Not sure yet about our hygienist, who nearly fainted yesterday and I hear will see a cardiologist tomorrow ~ sounds like she has something serious. But the other two will come back Friday, so that's a relief.
      Unfortunately we live very far away from a beach ~ although I still dream about it!

  2. I suspect there will be some time still while people go through a bit of PTSD, wondering, watching, worrying, and people will continue to be cautious, even after the threat has finally gone down. Sorry you are still clocking in... I'm coming up to retirement in a few months. Still can't wrap my head around it! -Jenn

    1. I am not the best at handling tons of stress, but I don't get paranoid every time I have a sniffle. Just drives me nuts. Two more years is my goal! Unless I win the lottery. :-)

  3. One of the symptoms of this thing is wanting to go to a beach and drink beer. Better get a test.

  4. I just told my husband last night that a vacation on a sunny island with a few drinks would really make me happy and feel better right now. Each time you turn on the TV it is doom and gloom and it is all so heavy. It wears on you. And retirement? I fear I may never get to. This is killing us financially and some days I want to chuck it all and run away and hide. But I can't. And to bitch further - I am sick to death of seeing these celebrities on tv telling me how dreadful their quarantine is. They are tan. Yep, difficult to sit by your gorgeous pool and not have money worries and get tan. Yep, life is a bitch. I am facing financial ruin, I am pasty and I have Walmart roots. I don't want to play like this anymore.

    1. I would even be happy with the Texas gulf coast (I love Padre Island). I don't watch the news with the exception of a bit of the morning report...believe me I hear enough doom and gloom at work! I guess I've never seen the celebrities complaining ~ and I wouldn't watch anyway because they are spoiled rotten human beings that can't think past their own discomfort. Bleh! Take comfort in the fact that tanning ages you faster than most anything else ~ just look at a tennis player, lol.
      I agree it sucks the big hairy meatball. :-)

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