May 15, 2020

Rant and roll..........

View from the tram ride on the Sandia Mountains.....

I am still working on finishing up projects here at home before we return to work full time in a week.  Today I took all of the winter clothes from my master bedroom closet and moved it to the walk in closet in one of the other bedrooms.  One disappointment in this house is that there is no walk in closet in the master, but both of the other bedrooms do.  It's a small small step at a time!  

Bad news on the refrigerator cleaning, it really ought to be done once every 4 to 6 months.  Other than maintenance cleaning, I've never done it that often.  I did put a reminder in my calendar to do it anyway.  I'll try to snag Romeo's help for the next one.

I have taken everything off of my desk and cleaned it too.  That took longer than the 2 hours for the fridge, but I took lots of breaks.   I still have a bit of a stack of papers but it's really not that big a deal.
We had our "training" session at work today.  Let me tell you, I would quit right now if I could, it started off rather overwhelming and just went down hill on an icy slope from there.  I left feeling totally stressed out.  The first week back ~ next week ~ will be the worst, because we'll be tweaking the system as we go.  I get why clinical staff should change clothes, but I think admin. staff shouldn't have to.  Oh, and one of the bosses suggested we bring our clothes in a pillow case.  I'll feel like a hobo :-)  It's true though, if I were in a position to retire right now, I would do it.  So, I had my little melt-down at home, and as usual, Romeo had no clue how to deal with it.  Men can be so useless......

Well, I'm not thinking about it for now (Hello, Scarlett O'Hara!) and plan to enjoy my weekend as best I can. 

Love, 365


  1. I understand your meltdown. Everything is just so different. When my job got turned on its head and I had to learn a whole new world (teaching), I had a series of meltdowns. But now, weeks into it, it feels "normal". You'll get there. I hope you have a nice weekend - you can just open your fridge every once in a while and admire it! -Jenn

    1. I am trying to be chill, I know that next week will be the biggest learning curve. I'm sure many of the ideas and plans will change as we go along. I now have the go ahead to wear scrubs to work, which I think I will like. I really don't like buying "work clothes"! Now I'll have more for sports gear and lounge wear :-)

  2. OH I so understand this post. I hope it gets better. Sometimes you just need a meltdown. I felt better after mine last week. It didn't last long but....

    1. I don't like the feeling though. I guess I just don't handle things as well as I did when I was younger.

  3. Your work is going to be difficult. I hope you get used to the new rules quickly.
    I am changing over clothes at the moment. Such a hassle. It's going to be very hot this weekend. Summer has finally arrived.
    I do my husband's wardrobe and then take time over mine.
    We are taking carpets and cleaning those as well. Now we have nice cool tiles.
    The fridge only gets done about once a year except for bits and drabs as needed

    1. I did speak to one of the docs yesterday, and he agreed with me on one of the points of contention. So, we'll see.
      I vote with you ~ once a year is plenty! I hate that job!

  4. Have a great weekend and hope work gets better for you. Hopefully they will come to their senses and not be that strict with the rules to make it absolutely miserable.

    1. Things will likely change on Tuesday, lol. My scrubs won't come in for a week. I still haven't ordered by lab coat, and thinking maybe I won't and will just take a sweater and leave it there. Since they are wearing loads of PPE, they will be cranking the a/c to shiver.

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