May 29, 2020

Update and other interesting news......

I should have anticipated this.....
but no.

Yesterday we were notified that our dental assistant tested negative for the virus.  I am not surprised, as I mentioned in my last post, she took a day and a half off because she felt dizzy ~ but a few of us in the office figured she was just jumping on the bandwagon of the other two that called in sick.  I also heard an unsubstantiated rumor that she had an interview, and apparently there are a lot of jobs being posted for dental offices.  There are a couple of us that would not be sorry to see her go, she is not really a good fit.  But time will tell. 

Our hygienist is having a test done, but she apparently has something serious as she has been out for 3 days in a row.  We're not sure what is going on, but I hope she's going to be ok.  She has been doing hygiene for a long time, and her patients really love her.  But you know, she may not be up to the restrictions and PPE mandates and might decide to retire.  It would not be the first time I've heard of experienced and long time hygienists deciding to quit, mostly due to arthritis and other physical ailments from leaning over patients for years.  It takes a toll.

My business staff co-worker was off for two days and came back today (it's my day off).  Although our office manager suggested they get tested, she said she wasn't inclined to do it ~ I'm not really sure why since she is the most paranoid of everyone.  Wouldn't you want to be reassured that you didn't have covid?  So, our office manager asked the docs if we would want any staff who has symptoms to have a negative test before they return to work, and he said no.  WTF??  I'm not sure of his thought processes on this decision.  I'm sure he has a logical reason, but the rest of us are now wary and concerned. 

On the patient front, even though we have asked patients to wear a mask (really, should we have to tell them????) occasionally someone comes in without one.  One lady forgot.  But a man and his son both came in without them.  So I have been handing out masks, both to those who don't have one and to those who ask me for them.  I asked the doc about it and discovered that we don't have enough spare masks to be handing them out.  From now on if someone comes in without a mask, or asks for one, we are to let them know there will be a charge for it.  One patient I had scheduled asked me if we were handing out masks to all patients, and I replied no.  She then said "I want you to give me one when I get there" ~ in a demanding voice, mind you.  After the discussion with the doc, one of us called that patient and told her how much the charge would be for the mask, and now all of a sudden she's going to wear a bandana instead, lol. 

My job is ever changing and challenging. 

Love, 365


  1. first of all the fact that a medical professional would say it didn't matter if they had a negative test or not makes me so angry. WTF is right! Masks are mandatory here even though in phase 1 of reopening. Dental office just got the okay to open today. You don't see people around here with out masks. So I don't get this woman. They aren't that expensive. She just wants to be a pain in the ass.

    1. Well, she did not say it didn't matter...she said she "wasn't inclined to get the test". So, I suspect that she looked at her symptoms (headache and diarrhea) and figured there was no point in the test. And the test costs her nothing. But I am upset. Now I have to sit by her all day without knowing? Granted she did return back to work yesterday. But it would be nice to know that she had a negative test, from the perspective of someone who sits next to her all day.

  2. Hang in there. I can only imagine how much more difficult it must be to deal with the public these days.

    1. Yes, it would be nice if people would be kind and thoughtful instead of self centered.

  3. The mask thing is making me crazy. Yes, I wear one. (often tie dyed). Do I think it will protect me? nope But it may protect someone FROM me. And if everyone wore one... well, I know. Preachin' to the choir.

    Regarding Give-me-a-mask lady.. is her name Karen?

    1. Lol, no, the mask lady is not Karen...but I suspect it could be :-)
      I really don't like wearing one all day. And I sit near Ms Loud who believes that wearing a mask changes your body pH (a stupid rumor) and it's unhealthy (again, a rumor). The truth is they aren't fun to wear, but most reasonable people do it to protect others.

  4. Crazy time and crazy adjustments. I feel for all my friends who do anything medically related. The PPE's are immensely uncomfortable and many have to wear them for 12 hour shifts. Taking a bathroom break is a HUGE deal. Not to mention when they get home and have to "distance" to the best of their ability. I hope things improve for you at work very soon.


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