June 6, 2022

Hahaha, it's Monday.....

 Lol, I thought this story was funny.  Kim says she didn't ask, but then why this headline?  

It's Monday.  Finally able to sleep until 7 am.  That's a win compared to the 5 and 6 am this previous week.  

My dermatologist called a month ago to let me know my appointment needs to be moved, as the doc doesn't work on Thursday anymore.  I called them 3 times and left a return message before I got a call back.  I finally got a call from them this morning, and she offered me tomorrow.  I already had plans, but otherwise it's months.  I was a bit annoyed, but took the appointment anyway, so will have to cut short the commitment I made to help my friend with baking for the Greek festival.  

Blogger ~ really?  If I want to comment on your blog, and I don't want to do it anonymously, I have to write in the name of my blog, and give the URL address.  As it is, I can't just click on comment, I have to write it on my word processor, then copy and paste.  I wish they would get this crap fixed.  The confusing part is that there are times when I don't have to do either of those things.  *sigh

Best of all, it's a Monday, a Monday that I would usually be at work, but I'm not :D  

In fact, I filled out 5 pages worth of application to adopt a dog.  I had to provide 4 references.  I had to provide the names of the last two vets we took our dogs to.  It was really quite extensive.  I had to tell them what happened to our previous dogs.....what we like to do with our dogs.....how often we'll be home....I felt like I was trying to adopt a child.  They even asked if they could come an view our home.  I sure hope we can get the dog, he is super cute.  A 3 year old Cairn terrier mix.  Maybe I've got my hopes up too high.  I tried to buy a Cairn, but the owner had ~ while we were in the middle of discussing the particulars ~ sold the dog I was interested in, then asked if I would like to be contacted when the next group of puppies becomes available.  Not sure if I'll do that...maybe I'll say sure, just in case the adoptable doggie doesn't work out.  We'll see..the worst part is that we really can't take possession until after June 27th since we'll be out of town.  Eh.  If it doesn't work out, it doesn't.  

Well, I'm going to go to the gym, I've got to talk to them about my membership dues.  I already adjusted my return flight from San Antonio, that went well, thankfully.  Now we won't have to get up at 5am to get to the airport.  I'm sure I'll be ready to come home after being gone for two weeks.  

Have an enjoyable week!

Love, 365


  1. I'm not having any comment issues...very strange. I would not go through that stuff either just to leave a comment.

    1. Just a few minutes ago, I was able to comment on a few blogs with no problems, but when I want to reply to you, I have to do the copy and past thing. It’s truly annoying.

  2. I suppose that if you're prepared to go through all that kefuffle then you genuinely want the dog. But hell, how many dogs do they to re-home.
    Good luck

    1. Perhaps they figure if you're willing to fill out all that info, then you're serious. But it did seem rather over the top.

  3. Boy they are being thorough about placing dogs. I guess got to give them credit to make sure it will be a good fit so the dog is not returned down the line . Blogger is messing up a lot of things these days . Very frustrating!


  4. That was a busy first Monday of no work. :-) Are the comments all on blogger or some wordpress. I have that issue on word press. No longer will read those on there due to this issue. Before Izzy we went to Lab Rescue. They did all you stated and more. They came to our home. For heaven's sake there were financial questions. I kept thinking, my dog needs love, food and health care. I can provide that what is the issue? We ended up going another route but we found that very odd.

    1. Yeah, this is a Cairn Terrier rescue. Maybe rescue groups don't have as many dogs to place, and can be more picky. I could get the puppy before they are ready to release the dog I was talking about! I did let the breeder know to contact me, I didn't want to burn that bridge.
      I have no issue with wordpress, just blogger...


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