June 15, 2022

The verdict, and a tny surprise..............


Lol, our dryer ~ which we have determined is around 20 years old.  It's one of those things, that when it breaks down, you remember (or go look up) how old it is.  I was shocked, as I thought it was at least 5 years newer.  😉  I looked for the instruction booklet, but either we didn't get one or I tossed it out for some reason ~ OR it could be somewhere else. I really need to improve my organizational skills.  

The young man from the appliance repair came on time, that's a plus.  Once he started taking it apart, I told him he could take his mask off, for which he was grateful.  The only place I ever have to wear one is the doctor's office.  Anyway, the dryer.  He ~ after turning it on and listening to it ~ knew it was the blower that had an issue.  Upon the removal of more parts, he announced that we had a mouse in there.  Hence my title, the little surprise.  I guess he/she hadn't been in there too long (based on the lack of decomp GAG) and when we ran the dryer, it broke a part of the fan.  So, lucky us, we will be good to go for about $350.   Of course they have to order the part, but he thinks they will have it in short order.  Best of all, we can use the dryer until then.  He did mention that if we preferred not to, we would not need to repair it right away.  I was appreciative of that, although we didn't want to wait and pay another service fee.  So, I felt really good about this company, and I understand (so far) that they've earned their 4 1/2 star rating.  All good news, and a reasonable cost.  Who knows, we may have to call them again to replace the heating element, which is one of the common issues with dryers.  At some point, you just have to decide to buy something new, right?  

Our trip is right around the corner.  Romeo is so excited, he already started packing.  Crazy man...I bet he will dig into those clothes for something to wear before we go, which is a week from today.  All I've done is pull out and open the suitcase.  And I don't plan to pack until Monday, because I'm reasonable and not crazy 😜

Love, 365


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have to learn about you and your trip. My HVAC replacement, two units was over 19K....yes!! I live in another world and actually had to use two credit cards to cover the payment. Oh well, I am glad that some people out there can get appliances to last longer.

    1. Ugh, that's a lot of money ~ but there's sure a lot more to HVAC than a dryer. I could actually live without a dryer, but not AC! Maybe we have been lucky with the dryer ~ which this week has shown, we can make do without it. It sure helps that we live in a dry climate, clothes dry really fast. My sheets were dry in an hour.

  2. Wow, a mouse!! That certainly was an interesting surprise! Glad the dryer will be fixed though and not have to be replaced!


    1. Must have been a determined mouse! I am a little sorry it died in there, but there are lots more where he came from. That's why we have so many snakes and roadrunners.

  3. Those old machines last forever. Glad it was only a mouse, though he cost you enough!

    1. Oh, I would have preferred something other than a mouse....shudder. I think it's a miracle we've never had one in the house! Eeeeek!

  4. Being able to comment on Blogger is becoming quite the chore. I couldn't do it on my desktop or in private mode. The only thing that seems to be working is my personal laptop. What a pain you are becoming Google. Anyway, glad the dryer is fixable and there was only a little surprise. You definitely don't want a big surprise.

    1. Oh, it's become worse now. I can't comment as It's a Crazy World unless I copy my URL, and type in the name (unless I post it anonymously). If I visit a new blog, I can't follow it, since Blogger won't let me sign in. I'm sending them a message about it, although I have my doubts that there will be any change soon!
      Yeah, a big surprise would have been an elephant :D


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