June 20, 2022

Monday, Monday.....


The teeny tiny moon on it's way to setting.....

This isn't my photo, but this is New Mexico's Camel Rock, with an impressive storm overhead.  This formation has eroded quite a bit since I've lived here (25 years).

And now just for fun:

Sign in a brewery/restaurant......lol

Mondays, once on my "I wish you didn't exist" list, is now on my "O, good it's Monday" list.  Funny how that works.......

Have a great week!   Love, 365


  1. hey at least you are remembering what day it is! Good for you. That got us big time when we first retired. The other day I asked Rick what day it was and he said, "wait let me look at my phone" That is retirement!

    1. Lol, yes I do depend on my apple watch for the day of the week and the date! Even when working I had to look at my calendar at times to see which Monday/Friday I was working, since it switched every week (Mon-Thurs or Tues-Fri).

  2. I remember that camel rock! A lot of working people will be confused this week with what day it is if they had a 3 day weekend celebrating Juneteenth :)


    1. It is funny how vacations/holidays can mess with our perception of what day of the week it is!

  3. We like that map of our plan. You forgot to add sharks and tax collectors to the obstacles.

    1. Haha ~ true, it does need a few more obstacles! But it's so accurate. We have plans. Then....shit happens.

  4. Won't be long before you too will not know what day it is! I have a big spiral diary on my bench to remind of days and things to do.
    Lovely laughs!!


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