June 14, 2022

Yep, I figured there would be times I would be bored.....

 I took this photo this morning as the moon was setting....it wasn't as cool outside as I hoped it would be though.  It's going to be another scorcher that will continue for the rest of this week.  Unless you get out there early (like 6-7am) it's too hot to go walking.  Doesn't matter this morning, we will be waiting for the appliance repair person to come and hopefully give us decent news on our dryer. 

After my haircut yesterday, and a failed attempt to buy this game at REI:

Yahtzee is one of the many games my family used to bring out after any family gathering.  Others were domino games, assorted card games, Scrabble and the like.  I saw it at REI when we were buying a few tee shirts for the trip, but stupid me, I didn't get it then.  So I went home and ordered it online where it will be delivered to the store and we'll pick it up.  We will bring books of course, but I thought this game would be fun in the evenings.  Truthfully, I will be so glad to have a tv break, there's nothing on.  Nothing.

Once I came home and had a late lunch, I checked the beef we were marinating for fajitas ~ tonight's dinner.  By then, it was really too late to start sewing (I have to set up and take down), and it is way to hot to be out, so the tv came on, and off nearly as quickly.  

I suppose I figured that there would be boredom ~ it happens at work too!  I'd rather be bored at home where you can take a nap without being fired :D

I have put a small deposit on a Cairn Terrier puppy.  I will need to drive (or fly) to pick him/her up the second week of September.  By then all my trips will be over, so the idea of having a dog to keep Romeo company did not work out, but I sure tried! Then let the training begin.  It's been a very long time since we've had a puppy.  Sioux was a year old before Son #2 came home with her.  We sure do miss her.  She was such a great dog.

Love, 365


  1. A puppy will end any times of boredom. All you need for Yatzee is 5 die and a paper and pen. We played as kids long before Parker Brothers started selling it.

    1. Goodness Joeh, you are old….haha. I don’t know, I thought it was a great take on the original, and part of the sale goes to the National Parks. It’s a super fun game. One of the things we enjoyed was looking at all the old score cards, and teasing each other about it.

  2. Oh how fun with the puppy!! Enjoy it when it comes home to live at your place! They do have a way of keeping us young and on our toes :) That is how it is here with the weather. If you want to walk and be comfortable doing so, you need to be out by around 6 o'clock. Thankfully it is light out then. I always enjoyed playing Yahtzee. Such a fun game!


    1. I was watching a funny video on FB, and this dog was jumping up and down in a play pen...and I told Romeo, we should probably get one of those. Puppies are not trustworthy to leave alone when you have to go outside for more than 2 seconds, haha.

  3. Look at those wee guys! It will never grow up you know. That is going to be a little dog forever. My brother didn't pay enough attention to his cairn pup jumping down from stuff and it injured a shoulder - all fixed now but the poor wee guy had the indignity of a shaved leg, and one of those cone thing.

    1. Ah, the "cone of shame", lol. I am so excited about getting him/her! We will spend lots of time training, especially since you can get training tips through you tube. It's true, dogs have accidents just like we do. Peg said the pet insurance turned out to be a good thing to have, so we'll be doing that!

  4. I can't wait until I have a day to be bored. I have yet to be bored. We moved and it's been non stop. I even asked my husband if we hadn't moved what the hell would I be doing all day? No painting, no unpacking, no tiling, no sorting, planting, landscaping. Gee if I list it all you'll be tired too. :-) Nope not bored yet. I am shooting for 2 yrs from now at this rate. Dog - you are going from a big dog to a little dog huh? That's a huge change. And you won't be bored once you have a puppy to train and chase. LOL

    1. Actually, we've had both big (husky, lab/greyhound mix) and small (scottish terrier, corgi). The years, they do go by. A small dog will be easier to travel with, which we'd like to do. I'd love to go to see my kids and take the dog. But yeah, it will be busy. As I said we haven't had a puppy in a long long time!


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...