June 17, 2022

I think the sky is leaking.......


We had rain!  It was only for about 10 minutes, but it was glorious.  It really cooled things off too, which was welcome.  Our monsoon season officially begins today......we are all glad to have even a little bit of rain.  Hopefully we will continue to have evening showers (we won't get them every day though), which is when we usually get our thunderstorms. 

Hopefully the northern part of our state will get more, and hopefully it will help with the fires.  The issue now is flooding from the burn scars. 

I am only baking bread when we're out.  It is too hot to turn on the oven to 450 degrees.  I have been tempted to buy some, and may still entertain that idea.  Whole foods has some wonderful breads that are not (in my opinion) overly priced in their bakery.  Their focaccia is so good to make panini's.  I especially like their rosemary focaccia.

Peg, I have had no problem with easing into retired life.  I think you've proven that moving right after you retired is not relaxing, haha.  

We don't live on the beach; in fact it would take us 10 hours to get to one.  I may have to plan a trip, but since we're going to get a puppy in September, we may have to wait until next spring.  I have a feeling we'll be knee deep in house training, and training in general.  I do love Padre Island, but I've only been to the California coast a couple of times.  Wish I could go right now!

Happy Father's Day to all of you Dad's.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Love, 365


  1. We live inland, near the Temecula Wine Country. Four miles mountains and then about the same for ocean. I would love your rain! Fire season is upon us.

    1. It is fire season here, as I’m sure you’ve seen that for the past month or so we’ve been home to the largest fire in the U.S. We so needed this rain! It was lightly raining this morning, but now the sun is out and we're experiencing something we rarely have ~ humidity. :-)

  2. We are supposed to maybe get some rain tomorrow. I hope so! We too are in monsoon weather. I hope we have a lot of them this season! We were supposed to head to San Diego this weekend but hubby was a bit under the weather so we postponed our trip. The coast there is so very nice!


    1. Yes, let's hope we have a good monsoon! Hope your trip goes well, I love San Diego!

  3. Apart from distance from the sea your season sounds like ours. We get a lot of electrical storms that produce no rain, and have fire risk. I'd love to bake more bread but there is no one to help me eat it, and our local bakery does a fabulous rye, so i get it sliced and keep it in the freezer for making toast.

    1. Yeah, turning on the oven? Ugh. However, we must have bread, and I very rarely buy any. Sometimes I freeze half the loaf if we aren't eating much bread. Luckily the rain has cooled us off a bit...84 today as compared to the 96 earlier.

  4. It has been raining all around us but not even ten minutes here.
    I've stopped baking bread. Electricty costs have increased so much. It's much cheaper to buy a few loaves and put them in the freezer.

    1. My oven is gas, which is a bit cheaper. But you're right, it is expensive to do your own baking. I hope you get rain soon!

  5. Welcome to the retired. Now it's time to do ALL those things you have been wishing to do. Enjoy!

  6. Do you have a Wegmans where you live? Oh the breads that are baked daily are too die for. Far superior to anything at Whole Foods!!!!! Wegmans is da bomb and if you ever get a chance to go to one - go. Even the small ones are nice. You will never go to Whole Foods Again.


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