June 2, 2022

What the.........


What the heck?  I just finished commenting on two of your blogs, but when I went to comment on a third, I get this stupid notice.  Is this happening to anyone else?  Sometimes it'll give me the option to comment as "anonymous".  I don't like those on my own blog, and I can't imagine y'all enjoying the same.  Or maybe it doesn't bother?  Sigh....the most puzzling is how random it is.  

Day two: got up at 4:53.  I think it'll take awhile to get used to the freedom of sleeping in.  Of course, I am a senior.  Isn't one of the issues with older folks the inability to sleep?  Or at least to sleep in past 6, lol.  I have noticed most people around the same age get up early.  I remember when I was living in Oregon, I worked with a lady ~ who was probably in her mid 50's ~ who would typically get up at 3 to 3:30 am and clean house.  Even vacuuming!  Her family was probably plotting her demise.  If Romeo got up that early and started to vacuum, I'd take him to the psychiatrist for an exam :-)

Recently discovered that my contact lens prescription expired.  Since I only have about 30 days left, I figured I had better get in with Dr Alvarez.  I called, they said they could see me today, and I was able to take it!! Another advantage of having free time to take care of things.   She's a hoot.  We talk about all kinds of things.  In fact today, we were so involved with our conversation that as I was paying for her services, she leaned in toward me and said "Everything looks fine, by the way".  Lol, I hadn't even asked.  

Good night, y'all. 

Love, 365


  1. Blogger has been messed up for a bit. I had gotten that message before when commenting but not for a few weeks. I know it is also putting people's comments into spam and not on the blog it was intended for which is frustrating to track down comments. It gets light here so early so it is easy to get up early. I can't remember the last time I slept in past 6:30, probably last winter when it was dark out :) Hopefully you'll get into a sleep groove that will give you the amount of sleep you want :)


    1. Yes, my inability to sleep in is the sun coming in from the east facing window in the bedroom. Maybe by fall/winter, I will be sleeping in until 8! Lol.
      I wish blogger would get it together, because it's really annoying. Hopefully the problems will disappear in a week or so. :/

  2. Some of my comments are going into spam. Fortunately someone warned us and I check most days. What happens when I comment is often there's no place to push publish. Damn nuisance. Only on certain blogs. I wish Google would get it's act together. Everytime they make changes it just makes it worse or more complicated.

    1. I've never had these problems before, but the comments show up here, I just can't comment on everyone else's blog...well, some blogs, actually yours! So if you see a comment listed as anonymous, it's probably me. :-)

  3. We haven't had any of the comment weird, but lots are going into spam. At least we know to look there. What's with the getting up early? Other blogs we read from your land include a similar feature. Given the noise here in Greece we are only just getting to sleeep at 0330 and later. Who gets up at 0400? Answer... the guy upstairs who goes out at st that time to take his dog for a walk. We get about half an hour for sleeping tume. Make the most of yours.

  4. I would be in a coma by 11 pm. I don't know how you stay awake until 3:30!

  5. As a crazy old coot of 76 years,, I am now entitled to post as I wish. While this post is poorly written, it is my choice to do so, as only I see fit.. For a wordsmith I will. . . Never Be Have good evening with many pleasant adventures tomorrow.


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