December 3, 2014

Bright spot in my day........

Brodie on the left, Sioux on right.

Well, Brodie is doing much, much better, and exhibiting his usual happy behavior, waggin his tail, etc.  I spoke to a guy who owns a pet food store here in town (of course, I'm not going out of town for dog food, lol) and he said that we need to return to regular dog food very slowly over the course of a coupla weeks.  So, beginning this Saturday, I will add 1 tablespoon of regular food to the boiled chicken he's been eating ~ he loves the chicken, of course ~ so I hope we don't have too much trouble transitioning back to a less expensive food.  It could be that he won't ever have this problem again, or it could become chronic.  We just don't know.  However, I am happy to say that this incident has finally convinced Romeo not to give either dog table scraps anymore.  It will take the dogs longer to quit hanging around him during meal times.  Who knows, they may never stop begging!  

I am very grateful for unemployment insurance, but I think their website needs to be reconfigured, because navigating the system always gives me a headache.  I think they had a monkey design it....

Prof. Stuart has generously paid (through some emergency fund at UNM) for me to take his class next semester.  However, if not enough people sign up for the class, they won't hold it.  :-(   I'll let you guess what I'm wishing for!!!

Well, I gotta go, I'm currently doing laundry.  Romeo will be really late tonight because the department is hosting the data management people from out of town.  He's not too happy about it, and I mentioned that one night ain't so bad....& how grateful I am that he has a stable job. 

Love, 365


  1. Glad the doglet is feeling better. I know how much people love their dogs... I still have never stopped missing mine. :)

    I hope you get to take your class.

    And I think monkeys design every single government website and program and every new law that's written. Monkeys and Assholes. Haha.

    1. Doglet....I like that! Because he is kinda short legged & small. But cute, very very cute, and hard to resist when he wants to lick your ice cream bowl.
      I hope there's enough interest in the class too, because I think I would find it very cool.
      Monkeys & assholes ~ scary that they are in charge of my unemployment benefits.


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