December 29, 2021

On the mend.....

 A little taste of New Year's Eve at our house in a few days...    ;D

I am returning to my usual self ~ I thought I would be at work today, but yesterday I had another bout with nausea and decided to treat myself to another day at home.  So, I've been planning the food for New Year's Day, for the couple we invited to come over a month ago.  I hope they are still planning to come!  Just wondering if they are hesitant since I've been sick for a week :-)  Maybe I better check to see if they're still planning on coming before I do too much more.

So, I've missed the Nativity services at church, and a wedding yesterday.  I am bummed about that, but life moves forward, so I'm doing my best to focus on today.

My grandson, who is 1 1/2, has been so sick with allergies and an ear infection.  My DIL said he is feeling much better and hopes he'll be back to his usual by the weekend.  I certainly hope so, he sounded so terrible on the phone on Christmas. 

Well, I want to take advantage of feeling better and finish cleaning out my closet, do some laundry, and clean my stove top.   Fun times!

Love, 365

December 26, 2021

Merry Christmas to all!....

 Ok, I'm a day late.....the reasons are both good and bad 🎄  Hmmm, while I tell you the bad, I'll see if I can dredge up how there's some good somewhere.

On Wednesday we had our office Christmas party.  It would be the last for so many of us ~ one of the long term employees gave her notice last week (shocking pretty much everyone) ~ the other four, which includes me, are retiring at various points in time by mid-summer.  So, I had taken more care with my white elephant gift than I had in the past, and curled my hair (lol, that is a big deal) and went off to work.  It had been decided that everyone attending the party would need to have a rapid Covid test that morning before the 2 pm party.  There are a few other folks that were coming, retirees, and one of our largest supply reps.  As usual, we would work half the day, then go to the restaurant for the party.  Around noon people that could started to peel off and go home to change, or go to the restaurant early.  I was one of the last to leave, discovering a number of computers weren't turned off, shutting everything down as I walked out to my car.  As I walked through the parking lot, I thought ~ hmmmm, I don't feel great.  I feel ok, but not great.  Dismissed that and drove on to the destination, which isn't far from work or home, which turned out to be quite lucky.  For me.  Sort of.

I arrived, and as I got out of my car, I thought ~ no, I really feel weird.  I peeled off my coat thinking maybe I was just too warm.  Grabbed the gift and went in.....and almost instantly went in to the restroom to vomit.  So, you see, I missed the last Christmas party...because I doubt I will go to next year's, even if I'm invited.  It'll be too odd, and I won't know or have any kind of relationship with all the new people.  Truthfully, I probably wouldn't go any way, even if there weren't lots of new people.  Not to mention a new dentist. 

I spent the next 72 hours horribly nauseated and not to be disgusting, but the other end wasn't much better.  So, not covid, which confirmed my negative test Wednesday morning.  I could not eat, and was barely able to hold down liquids.  Lost about 5 pounds from Wed - Sat.  I was able to move around a bit by Christmas day, and had a little food, and today I've been much better.  But if I over do my activity, I feel like I'm going to faint.  No stamina, and a slight headache.  I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, it was truly dreadful.  You know, a simple gastroinstestinal virus.  They show up at the most inopportune times.  

My poor Romeo had to care for me, and although I survived :-) he leaves a lot to be desired as a nurse.

No, of course, I would never say that to him.  

So, I've been thinking about the good part of all this, and I haven't really come up with anything.  I caught up on my sleep?  Oh, yeah, there is the loss of pounds, but of course, that won't last, haha.  

I already told my OM that I won't be in on Tuesday, and that will be true even if I feel good enough to run a marathon.  (imagine an evil grin)

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas!  I am looking forward to New Years, we are have a couple over for gumbo, which is sort of my specialty dish....and the rug I ordered for the dining room will be here tomorrow, so it looks like my luck is changing a bit.

Love, 365

December 17, 2021

Uh oh..........


It started with a bit of pain in my hip.  Arthritis I figured.  It would come and go....and eventually I noticed it is better if I kept active.  The inactivity of the pandemic made it a little worse until the spring and we got out more often.  There were brief periods I didn't notice it much at all.

I don't know what changed things a few weeks ago.  I began to notice my lower back was achy.  Sometimes a little, sometimes more.  

Yesterday it was no more noticeable than any other day, until I went to bed.  Walking up at midnight with horrible pain shooting up and down my leg and lower back.  I couldn't sleep, it was too much.  I got up and took some ibuprofen, snuck downstairs and waited for the pain reliever to work.  An hour and a half later I went back to bed, found a comfortable position and fell back to sleep.  It was a bit uncomfortable when I woke up, but the hot shower helped, and I managed to make it to work.  

So, apparently I have experienced a bit of sciatica.  I am ready for tonight though, I have my heating pad ready, and plan to do some stretching, more heating pad, more ibuprofen, and hopefully no waking up at midnight.  I've always felt so blessed and grateful that I'd never had back I know why I was so grateful!  That pain made me gasp, it was so intense.  

The bad news:  can't get in to a massage therapist for at least 6 weeks....that long to get in to my doc too.  I haven't tried my acupuncturist yet.  It's been so long, I don't even know if she's still operating her business.  So, I guess I work on it myself and hope that it will settle down a bit.  Sheesh.

Yesterday I received a check from the Treasury Department for a bit over $500 ~ all it said was that it was a refund of "ss ins".  I puzzled over that, wondering what that's about.  This morning I checked it out on Google, and was a bit alarmed at seeing reports of fraudulent checks.  Finally found a site that verifies that the check is for real.  But to be safe, I stuck it in a bank I use here in town (my main bank is in Texas).  

Then today I get the letter that explains what the darn check is for ~ the social security department is finally refunding me the overlapping payments to part B when I applied for and received my ss checks.  It took a whole year.  A year.  Government.  A model of inefficiency.  Bah, humbug.

Love, 365

December 8, 2021

Oh, this is too good........

 Before I get into this, I can't comment on any of your comments, nor can I comment on any of your blogs....a little glich on bloggers part?  Or maybe my computer....

Oh, yes, the rooster here has a point in this story....

My youngest son, in his middle 30s, is single.  He's never had a long term relationship ~ he's not spent the time, nor does he apparently feel the need.  He dates someone for a month or two and then it's over.  He may end up as one of those lifelong bachelors you hear about.  I was hoping he would get married and have a child or two, but a parent's hope often goes unrealized, haha. 

Anyway, he recently started a new job, and he is back to being a diesel mechanic.  Prior to this he took on a job in a garage dealing more with the public, but after a year he hated it.  He's a lot like Romeo, he has very little patience with fools and I imagine he had to deal with a lot of them at that particular garage.  It looks like mechanics are in short supply, which sadly means he is currently working 12 hour days, and has been having mechanical problems with his own car.  He's stressed and tired ~ no wonder.  Well, I knew he would probably not do anything as far as Christmas decorating.....I saw a small live tree that comes complete with lights and decorations, so I ordered it for him.  Let him know approximately when it would come, and then ~ with all the nonsense that is going on at work, I promptly forgot about it.  Earlier this week he asked me again when it would's that story.....

For some reason I couldn't find any information about my order in either of my email accounts, which I thought was odd.  Nor could I figure out the payment method after a quick check (usually Paypal, but not this time!).  So, I called the company, gave them information, and they had someone call me back.  

Did the guy have an accent?  Of course he did, but it wasn't too bad, his English was pretty good.  Our phone connection was awful, I had to keep asking him to repeat himself, which prompted him to inform me he was calling from his home.  And there was this horrible crowing sound, about every two minutes.  And it was loud!  I tried so hard to pay attention to what he was trying to tell me, but that stupid rooster was on a roll....

Finally in frustration I said  "if you could just get away from that damned chicken, maybe I could hear you"!  

I have never said that phrase to anyone in my life, and don't expect I ever will again, haha.  

My son had a nice little chuckle over that :-)

Love, 365

December 4, 2021

As the tooth turns.....


Well, not quite true, but almost.....


Oh, the drama.  I mentioned my boss is planning on retiring at the end of February, the office manager is retiring the end of February.  On Wednesday everyone was asking "had I heard?", which I had not ~ I had taken Tuesday off to lengthen my Thanksgiving break.  One of our dental assistants found a job closer to her home and Tuesday was her last day.  We just hired a dental assistant for the other doc, and now we are back to square one.  

The interesting thing is that one of our employees, who has been with the practice the longest, had arranged to be off on Friday's, and the assistant who left us is the person who worked for her on those Friday's.  So now there's a question if she will have to come back on Friday again ~ which she will not do, so she may retire at the end of December.  

Although I'm not calling any of these folks a rat, it does seem as though we're all leaving.  Which is scary to the employees that will be left.  How will they ever find enough people to fill those positions?  

My plan is to keep my head down and do my job until May 31st.  If they ask me to stay (as I stupidly offered) I will say no.  I don't want to get caught up in it.  

Out of 16 people, 2 have already gone, and 5 more are due to leave before June of next year.  I have no doubt that they will be able to use the bilge pump to right the ship, it's gonna be a rocky, bumpy ride.  No one has said anything about who will take over the office manager position.  I still think there's a possibility that the wife of the dentist who is staying might do it......I've never worked in an office where that was a good thing, nor have I heard of an office where it didn't cause more than a few problems.  It's pretty hard to remain impartial when your husband is the dentist.  

Well, I have a luncheon to go to, so I better get ready.  How I dislike dressing up, ugh.  It would be great if we could just wear jeans and a tee shirt ~ my outfit of choice.

Love, 365

November 28, 2021



I know I am late again ~ this series has been out since 2017.  Not sure why I didn't watch it then.  Not sure I'm enjoying it now.  The main character is an idiot.  Why he continues to have a romantic relationship with's just stupid and creates more risk than he already has.  Am I wrong?  I realize she is part of the Culper Ring, and they believe she was one of the few women involved.  Did you watch the show?  Romeo argued it wasn't accurate, but folks smarter than me say it is.  I suppose that I will see it through, perhaps I will enjoy it more as time goes on.  

So far my time off has been great.  I'm trying to de-clutter, which is tough to do.  You hold an item in your hand and wonder, do I really want to keep this thing?  Even though I haven't used it in over a year?  If the answer is I most likely won't use it for another year, I either donate it or throw it away.  It's easy for me to do this with clothes and shoes, but other stuff?  And why am I keeping my old high school yearbooks?  Or the two of my mother's?  And for heaven's sake, why am I worrying over it?  Mom probably never looked at hers either.  My sister has a metal container where she puts crap she's not sure she wants to get rid of.  Handy, because it's out of sight.  But I refuse to rent a storage unit for crap.  I'd rather just get rid of it.  

Usually I approach these jobs in a small way ~ I take one thing, make a decision and move on.  But contemplating a whole closet is over whelming.  Don't get me started on the filing cabinet.  It's full of old paperwork we no longer need, but I missed my opportunity to put it in the office shredding bin, as they filled it up on clean night.  

Well, I need to get busy, I plan to do a bit of sewing today.  Have a great week!

Love, 365    

November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!


I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  

I am well today ~ and busy with pie and stuffing and all the other food items for today!  Thanks to all of you for wishing us well.  

Love, 365

November 24, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!....


Yesterday one of our hygienists brought his dog's 8 puppies so we could see them....oh, they are soooo cute!  Mom is a siberian husky who is all white.  Each of these little cuties has dark blue eyes.  Truthfully there aren't many critters cuter than a 4 week old puppy!  

I sent a picture to Romeo, and he barely commented.  I would say he is not ready for a new dog, which is just as well since we are going to the Grand Canyon in June.  The North rim only allows dogs on a leash during a day trip.  Even if they had kennels, I wouldn't put my dog in one where they barely have enough people to keep things going, much less keep an eye on dogs.

We had our annual "clean night" after work yesterday.  Twice a year after work (right before Thanksgiving and Memorial Day) we do the top to bottom cleaning, and get paid for the next day in addition to the holiday.  As usual it was exhausting.  One of the items I cleaned were the huge panels of plexiglass the we have in front of our desks.  We really can't stand them.  You can barely hear other people with a mask on, and when you add the plexiglass it's even worse.  I think they'll be up at least another year ~ really, who knows??  

So today I had plans to make rolls, pie, and cranberry chutney.  I only got around to the chutney, I really wasn't feeling that great today.  So if I have Covid I'm going to be really pissed off, because I took an extra day off, haha.  I don't know if that's what it is, I guess I'll buy a rapid test if I continue to feel like crap.  Just tired with body aches.  I am concerned, because I know quite a few vaccinated people that have Covid.  And it would be a real bummer to have it now, although there's never a good time.  
Well, I hope to be super busy tomorrow, so I'll wish y'all the best now!  Enjoy your time with your families and friends....and be thankful that you have them in your lives.
Love, 365  

November 21, 2021

Hurry up.....and wait......

Hahaha, I am not doing the shopping, but I loved this meme.....Romeo said it is getting crazy out there!  

This is us every year ~ big breakfast, snacking on cookies, waiting for the bird........

In the meantime, this is Romeo....

Tacos work every.single.time.  

So!  I work Monday and Tuesday, then I'm off for a week, since putting in for one single day of PTO gives me a whole week off.  We were told on Wednesday that one of our doctors is retiring, and should be gone by the end of February.  Now, all of us think he would likely hang out a bit longer, but the office manager is planning on retiring at the end of February as well.  I don't think our doc will stay after she's gone, she and he are very close.  It's what I'm hoping, anyway.  He is ready for retirement, believe me. 

Of course, I stupidly offered to stay a little longer if there are issues, but I'm pretty sure that isn't going to staying, not that there won't be problems :D

Have a wonderful week!

Love, 365


November 15, 2021



Romeo and I have had an appointment to get our passports for a month.  Today was the day.  I gave the lady all the paperwork.....and after a minute, she tells me my Mother's name is not the same as my application.  My Mother's name is incorrect on MY birth certificate.  WHAT?  You know, I've had the birth certificate for awhile.....I never scrutinized it.  

After several phone calls, and waiting for 30 minutes on hold with vital records, it was explained to me that I need to request a certified copy of her birth certificate ~ because her death certificate won't do (why the hell not, but whatever).  Then I send that, with a copy of my ID and a check for $27.50.  At the rate governmental agencies move, I figure I'll be waiting awhile for that.  Isn't it nice they want me to pay for their mistake?  I thought so and said so.  Although I tried to be nice and told her I know it's not her fault, but wow.  

Romeo's passport application is done.  I don't know how long I'll be waiting, but I am really frustrated.  Then Romeo shows me some attitude, that I guess I should have just been, Oh! No problemo, I am nothing if not happy to face any challenge.  For pete's sake.  

Ranting cause no one else cares....haha

Love, 365

PS: All in all it will cost me nearly $60 to fix their mistake.  I have to pay $30 for a certified copy of my Mom's birth certificate......I'm bleedin here 😒

November 12, 2021

28 weeks and 5 days, but who's counting?.....


Monday's person said it was possibly the most beautiful sourdough boule she's ever seen.  I say she is wrong, I've seen lots more that were more intricately scored than mine, but I appreciated the sentiment :-)  I think it's too dark, but I didn't set my timer for the first half, so there ya go.  It did prove to me that I can make bread any day of the week, I just have to get up 15-20 minutes earlier.  

I have 28 weeks left until retirement.  Every week my co-worker and I discuss how long we have left.  She's planning on retiring the same day I am. If she goes through with it, it will be the very first time I will lead a "trend", haha.  This was a tough week.  We are short handed again, with one less dental assistant and another person on vacation.  

We have one hygienist that is very popular ~ to the point that many of her patients would rather wait 2-3 months to see her rather than have their cleaning with someone else when she's on vacation.  Is that something you would do?  I always have to laugh (to myself, not out loud) when the person gives me the reason that "she knows my teeth".  What they really mean is she knows their quirks and likes/dislikes.  She just left on vacation for a week, and I dread it. She gives me a list of people to call, so that they know she will not be in.  What I have discovered is that she gives me the list of people she likes....there are plenty of others that become upset when they arrive and are informed that she isn't in.  Some begrudgingly stay and see someone else, some refuse to see another hygienist and reschedule ~ which means we've paid someone to come and take care of her patients and now they're going to be tapping their fingers for an hour.  These are the types of situations I will not miss when I am retired.  

Romeo and I are going to begin the process of obtaining our passports. Neither of us have ever had one before.  I am hoping to do some travel, but Romeo doesn't like long not sure how that is going to work.  Perhaps if he doesn't want to go to Europe I can go on a group tour.  I certainly would not want to do a trip like that by myself.  One of the main reasons we want them is because our driver license is not considered a "true ID" because some years ago our state began handing out licenses to undocumented immigrants.  So, either you put together a huge amount of paperwork to get this "real ID" (yes, that's what they call it), or just go get a passport.  That's the main reason.  If I don't do one or the other, I will not be able to fly to Texas, is that not stupid?  And if we take a few road trips up north (he was born in Ohio, and I have tons of family in Pennsylvania) we could actually go a bit further and visit Canada again. We were in Toronto years ago, and would love to go again.

I have been up since 3:30 am......stupid time change.  Even though "fall back" is an easier change to swallow, it's still annoying.  Why, oh why do we have to do this, when no one wants it?  I think over 70% of Americans don't want to deal with DST anymore.  I don't even care which one they decide to make permanent, I just want the madness to stop!!

Have a great weekend!

Love, 365

November 7, 2021

Autumn at it's best................


Yesterday Romeo and I took the majority of the day to travel on the Sandia Mountain tram to the top for a hike ~ he had said maybe we shouldn't (since it's my short weekend), but I mentioned that this is likely the last weekend in the 70s (I think the high was 74) that we will have.  Certainly next weekend's forecast is at least 10 degrees below that.  What a glorious day it was ~ in fact today was just the same, it was a beautiful day.

As you see, the skies were blue like a robin's egg...the breeze was mostly felt as you approached the edge.  An edge that is quite spincter tightening in places, lol.

One of my favorite photos from the lot.  I have so many in my collection.  But each time I go, there is something different, whether it be the season, or the weather.  

I posed as a tree-hugger :-)

I'm not sure what Romeo intended to convey.....haha

We meant to get going to see the aspen trees turn gold, but we were late for that.  They are gnarly trees once all their leaves are gone.  The grow tall in order to reach the sun, and the high winds common at the crest of the mountain create these tortured shapes.  The golden leaves were tattered and scattered on the ground.  

After the hike (nearly 6 miles of ups and downs and rocks and stairs ~ yes there are stairs cut into the rock in places), we were starving.  There is a wonderful restaurant on top, near the tram.  By the time we arrived, there was a 30-45 minute wait, so we left and drove to El Pinto which is a popular New Mexican restaurant in town.  It didn't escape my attention that it took about that long to drive there.  :D

I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend too!  

Less than 30 weeks to retirement....

Love, 365

October 30, 2021



There are a growing number of folks that are convinced that the earth is flat, and that we've all been brainwashed that the earth is round ~ headed by NASA, our government, and likely other organizations.  I watched about 3/4's of the show Behind the Curve.  That was all I could do, I just couldn't do it after that.  And, perhaps more importantly, it was driving Romeo crazy.  

The very first part was narrated by a flat earth believer, Mark Sargent.  He seems like a reasonable person, who apparently truly believes the earth is flat.  Then things take a rather weird turn.  

Not much of the FEB's (flat earth believers) actually have any proof.  They have some experiments that seem to support them.  But mostly they are talking about believing what they believe and then working hard to support their theory.  It's not based on having a theory and then applying the scientific method to find the truth, but sticking with working on proving their theory....and if their test doesn't prove it, trying another test until they find what they're looking for.  I watched as they were trying to use some special gyroscope to prove their theory, but when it didn't work (this was to prove the earth doesn't rotate), they kept trying with different processes.  As far as I know, they failed every single time.  

Neil Degrasse Tyson describes this movement as an anti-intellectual movement that borders on the end of civilization as we know it.  Hmmmm.  I think his frustration has influenced the vehemence of his words😡, lol.

There was quite a bit of film that had absolutely nothing to do with the theory.  A guy who makes a "flat earth motorcycle" ~ the possible romance between Mark and Patricia Steere (who is apparently well known in FEB you tube videos) ~ a dating service for FEB, because who else would date someone with those beliefs? 

Some of these people are making a lot of money off of the believers of this baseless theory too.  One guy spends hours (and is quite talented) making flat earth models that are very elaborate.

Anyway, it was interesting.  I watched because I wanted to see their "proof", or at least understand why they are convinced that the earth is flat.  I have come away agreeing with one of the psychologists that commented here and there ~ there are those who, for some reason, do not want to believe in the "establishment".  It's a thing.  I've had experience with this, and I bet you have too.  People that insisted when the vaccine first came out that it would be "the mark of the beast" or that there would be some kind of tracker in either the vaccine or the freaking band-aid.  

If I could ask a FEB a questions, it would be "then why is the moon round, the sun is round, the planets are round"?  I'm sure they have a theory on that too.  Romeo would shake his head at me for even engaging in such nonsense.

Love, 365 

October 23, 2021

Mean people, possible puppy, and other adventures.....


Do you ever read those articles that pop up on your phone ~ I get them every day.  Usually there is one or two that I find interesting.  Today, Time Magazine had an article on why people seem increasingly rude lately (although "lately" is incorrect).  One of the reasons listed is that we're now unused to dealing with others during the pandemic.  Hmmm, perhaps.  It seems more likely that we're just so frustrated with all the pandemic brings, we're taking it out on each other.  And although the article didn't mention social media, that gets a good bit of my vote too.  People can't get enough of it, haven't you noticed?  Now that we can't have any magazines (honestly, didn't they already state that the virus is very unlikely to be transmitted from surfaces??), there's not much to do unless you bring your own book.  If you're already feeling rather pissed off all the time, social media is comparable to using gas to light a match.  

It's become a bit rough out there.  I haven't experienced much of the rudeness, just people who don't want to wear masks anymore.  Otherwise, most people I've encountered haven't been mean just for the sake of it.  The story is different on airplanes, in cafe's, and retail.    Crime is definitely up in our area too.  Hit and run accidents have been more common.  I think I'd rather stay home or go for a hike.  But I am missing having a dog.....

One of our hygienists has a dog that is pregnant.  The dog is a blue eyed husky.  Romeo hasn't said anything about wanting a dog, but when the puppies arrive, I'll show him a photo and see if he wants to do it...although he did say we should go for a smaller dog, since they tend to live longer ~ but prefers larger dogs.  Ugh.  Not sure that adopting a dog for longevity is the best way to go, although we both like Corgi's and Scottish Terriers.  

We're supposed to go to Costco today.  Wish us luck!  Yikes!

Enjoy your Saturday

Love, 365

October 15, 2021

Oh, how I miss breakfast.....


Even as a kid I was a big breakfast eater.  During my teen years, when body image is stupidly geared to thin thin thin ~ well, lets not go there, it was an unhealthy time of my life.  I feel as though I've always had issues with my weight.  Peer pressure, social pressure ~ women are always under fire to be thin.  There's a reason why most magazine and clothing lines advertise with tall thin women.  Oh, for the Renaissance, when it was popular for women to be chubby.


When we age, most people ~ men and women ~ put on pounds over time.  For me it really started coming on when I turned 60.  None of the usual tactics worked anymore.   I tried exercising more, counting calories, etc.  Nothing worked.  The scale stayed stubbornly the same ~ or crept up, despite my efforts.  Then I read about intermittent fasting.  The basic idea is limiting eating during an 8 hour period.  Because Romeo and I enjoy eating dinner together, I chose the 12-8 period.  Oh, how I miss breakfast.  The eggs, the toast, the pancakes, the waffles....bacon.  All postponed until noon.  

I have to say, by 10:30, my tummy is rumbling.  I drink two cups of coffee, then I go for water to stave off the hunger pains.  Which, truthfully, has limited results.  

I started this on a trial basis, and have been sticking with it for the past three months.  So far I've lost 6 pounds, which doesn't sound like much, does it?  It's been more successful than anything else I've tried. When I traveled I didn't follow the plan, but I didn't gain any weight, which was amazing.  

But boy, I sure do miss breakfast.

Love, 365

October 8, 2021

Hiking and baking........

Look closely at the some recent point in time a kid ~ or kid at heart ~ put a little toy dinosaur on it.  A bright blue one.  Sometimes you see small cairns too.  A few months after the pandemic came, people were painting rocks and placing them along the trail.  Seems like every week there were new ones and the collection was fun to keep up with.  


I loved this Halloween display that faces only the park.  Very clever and cute.  

Bees, still busy out there.  Lots of blooming plants still around here, but I loved that I caught this one on a lowly dandelion.

Not long ago I saw some suggestions on how to take photos from a different perspective, so I placed my phone on the ground beneath this dandelion for the photo.  I was pleasantly surprised, but I need a little more practice.

Yesterday I baked a new Greek desert ~ ravani.  I'm not sure it turned out very well, but I have no way to know, never had one.  It's really too bad the recipe didn't explain to take the cake out of the pan before you pour on the syrup.  It would have turned out so much better if I had, I rather squished it getting it out.  I'll have to ask one of my cowokers (she's made it before).  So, I guess I'll keep it in the fridge until Monday.  All in all, rather disappointing. 

Sleep well!

Love, 365

October 4, 2021

Coupla days off..............................


Group photo of many of the dancers, our priest, and organizers/instructors.  I didn't take this photo, I stole it off of Facebook.  I did not manage to make it to watch any of the dances.  At the end of my shift I was tired and just wanted to go home!  

We actually did sell ALL of the pastries by the end of Saturday.  I was amazed.  And so happy not to have to go through another shift.

Yesterday I helped my friend with a catering job she had.  It was either a pre-wedding or post-wedding shindig by a wealthy lady who lives in a very nice house at one of the best locations in Albuquerque.  She loves Greek food, and called the Philoptokos society (philanthropic) to see if they would be interested in cooking for her event.  They were not.  Not sure why.  My friend didn't explain that part, but she did volunteer to do it herself.  She asked me to help, I suppose she just needed a warm body that could run food back and forth.  Without going into a lot of boring detail, I now know I have absolutely no interest in the catering business.  I can't imagine that it's at all lucrative, and it's tons of work (and frustration).  And for this I agreed to skip church yesterday.  :-(  Lesson learned.  It's true that you're never to old to learn shit.

Today is my regular day off, but I took tomorrow off too, thinking I would need an extra day.  So glad I did.  And the weather is lovely!  Romeo took off on his walk early, but I was setting up to cut the rest of the towel fabric, which has been sitting around since my first go round.  I am finished with that, and will start sewing later is a lot of fun to see how the fabric changes with washing and drying.  This will give me three sets, but I do plan to give a set to my sister.  Maybe for Christmas?  Or just for the heck of it.  This time I want to sew a loop option for hanging. 

Well, I'm going off for the walk!  I hope you all have a wonderful week.  Happy fall!


October 2, 2021

Greek Festival time!.....


I know it's hard to see what's going on here.....shelves and shelves of baked goods for sale at the festival.  Tsoureki, paximadia (plain and chocolate), kourabiedes, baklava, etc.  These represent months of baking, I believe they started in June.  Last week was a whirlwind of last minute baking of things that don't freeze well, clearing out the hall, putting up all the decorations.  It is a huge production.  I only helped with a tiny bit of it.  Next year I can be more involved since I won't be working (YAY).  

I worked yesterday from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm.  I was exhausted.   We started with stocking the shelves, moving frozen items from the freezer to one of the refrigerator units.  As the shelves emptied, we restocked and restocked.  I would have thought Friday would be relatively low key ~ but no!  We were fairly busy until about 3 pm when it ramped up.  My friend who is the head of all of this said she thinks we will run out of pastries today!  But we'll see.  More than once people asked me who baked all of this, and when I swept my arm around to indicate all the women working the booth and said "we did" they were amazed.  I guess they thought we bought all of this stuff, lol.  

One of the reasons we had so much traffic on Friday was folks that buy the pastries every year, and really missed not being able to get any last year.

This is not one of this year's dancers, I haven't taken any photos of that yet.  I plan to do that today.  Luckily I can enjoy a relaxed morning since I'm not signed up until 2 pm.  

This is also the weekend that the International Balloon Fiesta begins.  Romeo turned on the tv and we watched with amazement at all the people who are on the field.  My thought that people are just hungry for places to go and things to do must be spot on.  Covid be damned, haha.

Well, I'd best finish my coffee and slice a piece of tsoureki before I shower to go! 

Love, 365

September 23, 2021

Did too........did not........


On our way back home from Texas we stopped in Las Cruces to spend the night before continuing on.  Tired and hungry, I went online to order some food close to us and found this charming restaurant.  I ordered online, but something happened while ordering...they charged my card, but said the order wasn't completed.  Oh, and that they would refund me the 25.78 in a few days.  But that didn't happen.  I figured I would hear from them in a few days.  But I did not. 5 days later my Mom passed away, and all of this went to the back burner.

Well, recently I looked into it and I still haven't been refunded. So I called the restaurant, and the person who answered said that he saw the order, but that I had never been charged.  I disagreed.  "It's on my bank statement, two charges on the same day".  Still, he argued with me.  Now I'm getting mad.  And he's no longer listening, so I hang up.  And called my bank to dispute the charge.

If he hadn't been such a but head, I probably would have just let it's only about $26.  But he had to be a jerk, and that riles me up.  I did enjoy the food, but it wasn't worth $50.  Ugh.  I really don't need this kind of frustration right now.  

None of us know why a particular co-worker is having some sort of personal crisis, but she is not doing her job (meaning, leaving me to handle everything up front, which is more than a one person job).  I asked her yesterday "Is something wrong?", but all I got was a "no".  Today was a repeat of yesterday afternoon.  The OM helped me quite a bit.  Truthfully I was a bit bugged that she just let her do what she was doing (haha, which was not assisting at the front desk).  So, I guess what I'm learning from this is that if I'm in a crappy mood because of something, it's OK for me to not help anyone else.  There are normally 4 people at the front desk, but the last day and a half there have only been the two of us.

Maybe I'm just letting things get to me.  '

I'm too sensitive.  I've been told that many times.  I take things too personally.  I don't stand up for myself, etc.  I wish I didn't have to go in tomorrow.  Blech.  Retirement is sitting off in the distance waving me forward.

Love, 365

September 20, 2021

Monday, Monday......


I don't recall if I mentioned that I finally broke down and bought a new sewing machine.  I had never heard of Elna, which is a Swiss brand, which is manufactured in Taiwan.  Go figure.  Anyway, I previously had a really ancient Singer, that was once my Mom's.  And that machine was made from 1985-1988.  Translation: old, but the darn thing still works fairly well.  It does need a tune up, but that would probably cost $150 or so.  My sister, who is an accomplished sewer, suggested it was time for a new machine.  Romeo thought so too.  So, now I have a new machine and an old one that I need to give away.  I want to give it to someone who doesn't have one, and would like to have it for minor sewing projects.  It'll take a bit of investigation to find someone to give the old one to.  I  have it all, the bobbins, instruction booklet, accessories.  Oh, yeah, I need to look for those and package them up.

The funny part of all this was me trying to figure out how to do simple things, like fill a bobbin and use the fancy self-threading device, and how you're supposed to change the sewing foot.  I failed at all three before I took my basics class today.  Although I did finally get the sewing foot on successfully once.  :D  Now I have been instructed.  Hopefully I will remember how to do it next weekend.  Things have changed a lot in 33-35 years. 

I also had an ultrasound of my upper abdomen.  My doc wants to see if there's some issue with my kidneys that is causing the constant uti's.  I had also asked her if she thought my liver was enlarged, so they scanned it too.  I should hear something in 3-4 days.  Hopefully all is minor or negative.   Once you've had a cancer diagnosis, everything is possibly cancer.  Better not, dang it.  Better not.  As far as the liver is concerned, I can't blame it on drinking....I only have a driink a few times a year.  Romeo doesn't like to drink (alcoholic Mom), so I just don't, even though there are times when I'd like to have a little something after work.  I am not really a wine drinker, but I do like beer, margaritas, the occasional martini.  So, send those good vibes my way, would ya?

I hope y'all have a great week!

Love, 365

September 17, 2021

Happy Friday to you all!............


Yesterday morning the sky was just beautiful.  I took this photo while walking to the office door before work.  

Well, friends!  It has been an interesting summer, no?  Full of all sorts of challenges ~ I would say ups and downs, but there really haven't been very many "ups".  Mostly it has been great losses, and huge frustrations.  Every time I think we're done with the downs, I discover there's more.  But, hey, I just can't sustain that kind of sadness for too long.  It's my nature to look at the sunny side of life.  I think I annoy people with my "silver lining" way of looking at things.  Could be worse, though, right?  

I have my moments ~ like the last post.  I stand by that too, I guess it is my failing that I cannot fathom why people persist in believing the vaccine is  ~  whatever it is they believe.  And for the reasons that most can't articulate, or maybe I'm too stupid to understand.  Could be both.  But whatever.  I am "over it" as they say, although I still have to deal with it at work.  

36 weeks.  That's what I have left before retirement.  It doesn't sound too long, does it!  There are two of us that will retire at the end of May.  I'm giving a good bit of notice, but the other person says she is only giving them a week.  I bet our OM will retire before I do.....that should make life interesting.

I am planning to obtain my passport.  I've never had one.  Truth is, I may get it and never use it.  But I want the opportunity to travel to Europe (no, I've never visited).  I lived in Japan as a child, and visited Canada, but that's pretty much it. 

Well, I hope you all have a great weekend!  

Love, 365

September 9, 2021

It's apparently all or none........


**Before I begin, recently one of my coworkers asked me if I ever write about them on my blog.  I said no.  I lied.  I doubt seriously that any of them has any knowledge of blogging (for one), nor has enough interest to search for more than 5 minutes.

This week was interesting.  Ms. Loud had to go out of town because her Uncle was dying, and they are very close.  He sadly passed away two days ago.  Apparently he had terminal liver cancer.  

In the meantime, on Tuesday, one of our dental assistants left abruptly.  We weren't given any information about why.  Was she fired?  Sick?  Did she quit?  No one knew....lots of speculation, gossip, etc.  Later in the day someone discovered that she had a positive Covid test.  Someone said one of our patients called in last week to report they were positive, and she had worked on that patient.  Of course, there is no way to know how she was infected.

We also noticed that about an hour later, there was a mandatory staff meeting on the schedule for the next day.  Still no confirmation or information on why she is gone.   

Yesterday we had the meeting ~ and "to protect the identity of the person" they admitted without the name,  that she/he/it is positive for covid.  I don't know about anyone else, but I thought that statement was stupid.  We all know who it is.  When you have a staff of 17, and one person is out.....only a moron would wonder to themselves, "gee, I wonder who it is?".  They discussed the complaints our office received about staff who weren't wearing their masks or were wearing them incorrectly (yes, we have one person who's nose is hanging out all the time).  The doc's are upset about this, and the view that patients have that our office might not be safe.  Although I agree with them, I think this is all over-blown.  We have been working as we are right now, for 1 1/2 years and this is the first time we've had a staff member test positive.  I've been waiting for this day.  We lean over patients faces all day long for pete's sake.  

Then, they stated that our non-vaccinated staff will, in the near future, be required to be tested every week.  And the fireworks exploded.  One staff member went on and on, and it was obvious she was taking it all very personally.  After hashing it out a bit, they decided our office would buy the test kits for testing instead of asking them to go to a testing center, which does seem fair to me.  I would hate to have to go to one of those places every week. I was shocked to learn that to buy test kits for the number of un-vaccinated to be tested each week for two months would cost the practice over $1,000.  But one person said she refused to be tested every week.  Period.  

While our doc's are trying to figure out where to go from here, there was lots of gossip, complaints, speculation.  I was laying as low as I could, trying not to get dragged into it.  Dreading when Ms. Loud returned to work, which was today.  And I was right to be concerned. 

Apparently she, and a few of the other non-vaccinated staff agreed that they would be ok with testing if everyone is tested.  Ms. Loud was saying that it's discrimination to require testing only from those without the jab.  Then she compared it to Christians and Jews, and then I had to say it's nothing like that, omg, that's a ridiculous comparison.  Then I turned around to my desk and said no more.  

Our OM (office manager) confided that if the doc's fold on their plan she will retire.  Which she is eventually planning on doing anyway, but she's tired of this situation that she knew would come, and has been trying to discuss with them for a year.  I have no idea what will ensue.  If I had all my ducks lined up I would give my notice tomorrow.  I am sick and tired of these non-vaccinated people crying out because they can't go to the state fair (ours is requiring it),   Truthfully they probably wouldn't have gone anyway, but they feel justified to constantly bitch about it.  

I am vaccinated.  I couldn't wait to get vaccinated.  I understand some people don't want to, and support their right to remain unprotected.  But don't expect a lot of sympathy from me when consequences have to be paid.

Love, 365

September 3, 2021

What have I gotten myself into?......

Not long ago, I saw an ad where you make your own towels.  You buy the fabric (shown above).  Cut out the size from the patterns.  Hem each side.  Then wash, and you supposedly get:

these fluffy, waffle weave towels.  The magic apparently happens when you wash and dry them.  I don't know if I'm going to have the same success as is pictured here, but I should.  This is apparently easy. Not so sure yet, because just cutting them out was a giant pain.  Unfortunately the fabric on sale is an off white, which is not the color of towel I ever buy!  We are dirty kids :D

What can I say?  I'm looking for small sewing projects, which I thought this would be, but it's turning out to be a bit larger and more complicated than I thought.  

I am also creating some bookmarks to give away at Christmas to my book reading friends.  Since I have my sewing machine out, I'm going to work on those today and tomorrow too.  

Well, I best get on with it.  Wish me luck!!

Love, 365

Later on........

Cutting the is so large, but I'm following instructions.  


The final product.  It turned out exactly as promised!  I did use it last night, but due to the linen, there were tiny pieces that I felt on my skin.  A few more washings will take care of that.  The color is closer to the top photos, the photo shows it to be more yellow.  Overall I'm really happy with this project, but I am not done yet, I still have to make the hand towels and wash cloths. 

Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...