April 24, 2020

Might as well be happy...........

My friend and I baking Lazarus bread last year....

I have given up the stressful, frustrating and depressing activity of trying to reach the unemployment office.  I've had more success sending them snail mail so I wrote a truthful letter that I mailed out today.  It may make no difference at all.  But it doesn't matter ~ I have a hearing in about 10 days.  I hope that all is resolved following the hearing.

And I've been thinking of happiness and how it's been missing from my life the past week.  Sure, I realize it was my reaction to it that was the problem.....But I challenge anyone to be cheerful when you've wasted hours and hours of your time with no result.  So, off to the next project!

Romeo and I slow cooked a roast, and I made a practice run at making prosforo (a type of bread used in my church for communion and for non-Orthodox to enjoy after the liturgy).  It turned out pretty, but the flavor was not there.  I'm going to try again with sourdough starter next week and see if that helps.

From inside the house it was a beautiful day ~ but we are now getting our spring winds, so not so great when you're outside.  I meant to walk on the treadmill today, but I never did.  A testament to the wasted money of home gym equipment, haha.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

Love, 365


  1. I hope it is all resolved as well. I also hope since you have moved on that the happiness has returned. You do look pretty happy in the photo. Have a great weekend.

    1. Well to be fair that photo was a year ago! But I am feeling much better now that I am not spending so much time on a task that has proven to go nowhere! I would say that typically I'm a pretty happy and positive person......during the shutdown that has been more difficult to maintain.

  2. Our prosforo is just a normal bread recipe but with the churches stamp in the middle. We have made quite a few loaves , but our stamp was not clear. We have just been given another one, handed on down from my daughter's m in law . Hoping this will leave a deep stamp.
    I use our treadmill 10 mins in the morning and again 10 minutes at night. It's not much but I find I'm keeping it up with these short intervals.
    Hope your unemployment gets sorted out, quickly and in your favour

    1. I cheated and bought the Gifted Pan, an aluminum pan with a non-stick coating that has the seal on the bottom. The seal turned out great on my very first try! But I think I baked it too long, the crust was rather hard ~ and it didn't have much flavor. Along with my sourdough starter, I'm going to use whole wheat or rye flour in the mix next time. Good luck with your new seal!

  3. That's quite a bit of bread (reminds me of when I worked at a bakery in my college years). I am curious as to the custom of giving the bread to non-Orthodox after communion.


    1. I should have been more clear ~ the bread in the photo is Lazarus bread, which is traditionally baked the Saturday before Palm Sunday. Prosforo has a special seal imprinted on it, parts of which are used for communion, and the rest is blessed by the priest and given out to all after service, including visitors. We have "closed communion" ~ you have to have been baptized and then chrismated in the Orthodox church to partake. Sorry for the confusion!

  4. My wife Jilda has struggled with the unemployment people too. She finally got a letter yesterday saying she would get a check on Wednesday.
    I hope your situation resolved in your favor soon.
    Take care...and send me some of that bread when you get it close:)

    1. I got mine today! So, except for the hearing on the back-dated part, I am now up to date. And I'll trade you the bread for some honey.......


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