April 7, 2020

Contemplating options and other random thoughts.....

There are times when you need a rainbow unicorn butterfly kitty....

I really thought I would be posting something every day.....but as it turns out I just don't have that much writing in me.  I read yours everyday though.  It helps me get through the day, your blogs and my coffee.  I am very appreciative of the snarky, creative stuff that I read.  One of you listed a pro and con on the viral apocalypse that I thought I would take a stab at.

Let's do cons first, because I'd prefer to end on a more positive note :-)

~Well, I'd say one of the biggest cons is the fact that none, or most ? are earning considerably less money, or perhaps no money at all.  Some of us have filed unemployment, which may help us get through this period except that by the time you've spent 2 hours on their website you realize a monkey on crack probably could have done a better job designing theirs.  But I do feel bad for those that are processing all of those claims.  Could you imagine??  Or, worse yet, answer the phones.  That's one job I wouldn't want to do.
~You are stuck in close quarters with your spouse/kids/mother/father ( & etc) for many more hours in the day than you're used to.  It's like walking through a pond with a thousand snapping turtles.
~You get a sudden craving for something you don't have in the pantry or fridge and are forced to find an equivalent.  So, you want ice cream but settle for frozen peaches you've blended into a smoothie type thing.  
~You have to eat your own cooking.  Really, you're going to eat frozen dinners for weeks on end?  No matter how skilled or unskilled you are, you're going to want something that doesn't have freezer burn.  I'm not really sure fast food should be named food....I will have to think about that one.
~There is nothing left to do except organize, or clean, or laundry because you already finished all the unfinished crafty projects you had lying around.  TV has lost it's appeal.  We become manic for something to do that will satisfy your need to accomplish something fun.  
~We can't buy more crafts or projects because we're cutting way back on expenditures. 


~You start thinking that this "preview" of retirement isn't as bad as you thought it might be.  I've become addicted to my morning walks!  It's a miracle.....
~You leave off cleaning your desk, because hey! there is always tomorrow....or next week.
~You don't feel the need to wear makeup or jewelry or nice clothes.  Who cares?  Today I ran into one of our hygienists at Costco, and I didn't care about no makeup because I had a face mask on.  Lol
~You discover that your spouse has an ironic sense of humor that you never appreciated before, and, oh by the way, he talks to the dog.  A lot.  Which takes some of the conversational pressure off of you.  
~Sleeping in.  This is not guaranteed though.  Most mornings I wake up at the same time I do when I work, but the difference is I can lay in bed and browse my phone.  For like, an hour.  Or until the smell of coffee drifts up to your nose, because your spouse has to get up and feed the dog and always starts the coffee.
~Nearly everyone you encounter on your walk smiles, says good morning or at least waves a friendly greeting.  
~And the memes......

 Be safe, and check on your family, friends & neighbors!
Love, 365


  1. I love my children, but I am sue glad they are grown up. I can not imagine this situation with 3 or 4 kids 16 and under.

    1. Agreed ~ there was a reason I did not home school my kids :-)

  2. Lovely post today. I have thought about the pros and cons but not enough to share with the world yet. Maybe this will be the inspiration. It all still seems surreal to me and I am waiting for it to end. And I really want a happy ending.

    1. Yeah, I want a happy ending too! There are so many things that would contribute to it, maybe that'll be my next post: that which would make for a happy ending.

    2. Looking forward to reading it. I watched Some Good News with John Krasinski on YouTube and that made feel a little better about the world.

  3. Good Ones. You know I am the only person other than my husband who finds the quarantine to be great. Oh you know, not the reason for it, or the financial ruin but this down time is pretty darn nice. Now in the coming weeks when I can't keep the lights on we may have another story! :-)

    1. Well, if our stimulating checks.....oh wait, I guess that's stimulus (lol).....come in soon that would be nice. You can pay your electric bill and have enough left over for some ice cream :-)


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