April 1, 2020

Staying home........

Spring, making it's way to New Mexico....
This is a foot bridge over one of the major roads, on my walk route....

Two weeks ago at work we were given the news that beginning the next day !!!  we would be cutting back on what we are doing in the (dental) office.  No cleanings.  Emergency treatment only (broken tooth, severe pain, infection, etc).  That day we worked like crazy folks, calling to cancel/move appointments.  My work hours have gone from 34-36 hours to 12 or so.  Yesterday was my last day of work until April 8th.  I have 3 weeks of vacation time remaining.  One of my co-workers plans to take all of her pto time, then go on unemployment ~ and said she will not come in for those two days a week once she is on unemployment.  It's understandable.  I've been wondering if I should do the same.  But I'm one of those people that needs time to think about stuff.  Sometimes I need a long time to think about it........

I did start a silk ribbon embroidery project.  It's been years since I've put my hand to something like that.  

Romeo is going nuts.  He takes Sioux out every day, and has started incorporating a little running into his outing.  But on Monday he texted me (while at work) that he saw so many people in the park, he was curious so started counting them ~ and came up with over 100!  Normally you might see 20 or so people on the 3 mile route.  He decided to go earlier to avoid the majority.  

One of my friends posted on FB that her cats are becoming irritated that she's home all the time ~ I replied that on the other hand, dogs are celebrating, their people are home!  All the time!  Lol....

 And now, for the funnies....

Stay safe, y'all, and for goodness sake, stay at home!

Love, 365


  1. Fortunately I have been training for a long time to do nothing. I can do nothing longer than almost anyone. Hang in there, the new normal will be around for a while.

    1. I need some classes on that ~ would you be willing to teach it???? :-)

  2. I love those funnies!
    Same thing happened here in the parks. Government minister even noted how much Greeks loved to exercise, suddenly. And then closed all the parks

    1. I certainly hope they won't do that here in New Mexico. It is our last tie to sanity! Today I changed up my route so that I would encounter fewer people, but the key here is apparently to get up and go early. By 10, it's too busy.

  3. I only work part-time and so far the paper hasn't laid me off. Who knows what will happen if this continues for too much longer.
    We have enough property here on the farm that we get PLENTY of exercise each day. Nothing like walking up and down hillss and hollows to get the old heart rate up.
    As far as deciding on the best thing to do, I'm with you. I rarely jump without rolling it over in my head for a while.
    Stay safe.

    1. My sister has a ranch ~ albeit a small one, but it keeps her pretty busy with the cows, chickens and donkeys. I live in a neighborhood and don't have the luxury of wide open acres that I can get out to. But, we are very close to open spaces and have plenty of paved walkways.
      You stay safe too! We all still need groceries.....

  4. We are still waiting for spring. It has been teasing us but not quite there yet. I am ready for it because it will help a little with the quarantine. Enjoy your time off and stay safe.

    1. Getting outside does help! Especially if it's sunny and NOT windy, which New Mexico spring is famous for.....
      I am learning how to enjoy my time off, but it's not easy!


Two weeks and counting.......

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