July 23, 2018

Almost there....

It's almost time for green chile down here.....

Ah, I can almost smell the green chile roasting.  In a month or so we will be heading to Corralles to purchase our green chile for the year.  After it cools down from roasting, we bag it up and put it in the freezer.  Yummmm

Godless, a limited series on Netflix 

I just finished watching Godless, a western produced by Netflix starring Michelle Dockery from Downtown Abbey fame, and Jeff Daniels as an interesting villain.  I recommended it, especially if you are interested in New Mexico landscapes, westerns, lots of shoot outs, and cowboy heroes.  I hope they produce season 2, although they wrap up the story nicely in the final episode.

I have already completed Thursday's assignment, and plan to review for the exam tomorrow.  Looks like it will be a marathon to finish the research paper for Friday.  Good thing I have until midnight!  I just read today that the final will be comprehensive ~ making me apprehensive (haha) as I haven't had many comprehensive finals.  Figures that we would have one in this class, which is undoubtedly one of the most challenging classes I've had ~ not in terms of content, but in the sheer amount of work required to complete it in a very short amount of time.  Right now I have a 96.  We'll see how it is after the final.  Then I can calculate how much effort I have to put into the paper to pass.  :-)

Have a great week y'all.
Love, 365


  1. You can have my share of the chili stuff. ;)

    I can't imagine what could possibly motivate me enough to voluntarily go through the torture of college.

    1. I had never heard of Hatch green chile when we first arrived, although the following summer my eldest son came for a visit and we went to the chile festival ..... down in Hatch. Which is south of us, south of Las Cruces, and north of El Paso. Oh, my god, what a podunk little town then (and still is) and a pathetic "festival". I think we stayed an hour and drove all the way back to Albuquerque. But green/red chile reigns supreme here. Of course there are people who don't like spicy or hot food, but the rest of us joke "there's more for us then!". Freshly roasted chile, whether green or red is the stuff of the Gods......

      As far as the torture goes, there have been many a day I've wondered why I am doing it. This class is one of those that make me ask myself "wtf have I done?". I believe I said it before: grad students enjoy making undergrads miserable. I hope they all burn in hell :-)


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...