July 1, 2018

It's gonna be a weird Sunday.....

Last week's Ladies Night Racquetball...."Munchkin" and I on the left.

Some nights we have twice the number of players on Wednesday, and other times we only have 5 or 6.  There is a group of us that play on Sunday, but today there won't be enough of us to play.  One is on a cruise, two are not able to come today, so playtime is cancelled for today.  What I should do is go to the market where Munchkin is selling bread, and buy some home grown tomatoes and other veggies......but I probably won't, it's been so hot and I'd rather bake at home.  Oh, yeah, and I should clean house today.  Or maybe not :-)

My work week is four days ~ I think I've mentioned this before.  And a few weeks ago I mentioned to one of my coworkers that if she wants to take a day off to ask me if I want to cover for her, as Ms. Loud (remember her??) always pipes up and claims the extra workday before I get a chance.  So last Monday I received a message from her asking if I could work for her this last Friday.  She is off next week and hoped to get an early start to it, so I agreed.  So, instead of 4 days I had a 5 day workweek, which I don't normally have.  It was rough getting up on Friday morning, especially since that is the one day a week Dr. S starts at 7am, so my alarm went off an hour earlier than normal......Friday was Dr S's last day of work before his two week vacation, so the number of patients kept climbing........and it was the last day of the month, so I had to "close" the month.  But the truth is it was all easy except for the alarm part, which I fixed with coffee on my way out the door.  And my paycheck had a nice little bonus to it.   

Speaking of work, next week will be really strange, since we have the 4th holiday on Wednesday.  My boss will be out on Friday the 6th, so I'm only working Tuesday and Thursday.  Now, why didn't I think of taking those two days off?  Drat!!

Tomorrow my online communication class begins.  Because it is a 4 week class, I'm a bit concerned that it will be jam packed with a lot of work.  It would be nice to discover I was wrong, but not counting on it.  I think I also mentioned how few classes are being offered at UNM this summer.  I suppose most of the under 25 students go home for the summer so there are fewer students to register for the classes offered, and I shouldn't be surprised at the lackluster offering during summer vacation time.

I purchased my ticket to visit the family & attend my high school reunion at the end of Sept.  The ticket was a bargain, and my sister offered to come pick me up ~ no small offer since she lives in Comfort and the plane lands in Austin.  That's probably a four hour long drive roundtrip.  Yeah, she's pretty special.  My favorite sister.  My only sister, haha.

Have a great Sunday, y'all...
Love, 365

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