December 29, 2013


Felt like I was in the middle of one of these......

During my teens, I began to have migraine headaches that often made me feel nauseated.   Usually I would sleep them off, after being sick.  I didn't have them often ~ maybe 4 to 6 times a year, but I did visit a Dr, who referred me to a neurologist, who did scans of my brain ~ and didn't find anything (well, I believe my brain was actually present, ha ha).  I always attributed them to hormones.  Since my breast cancer, I have been taking a hormone suppressor, since my tumor relied on estrogen to grow ~ which reduced the number of migranes I'd been having.  I must say, I was happy to leave off on the few migranes I'd been having!  But, now I seem to have vertigo episodes, and lately they've been following exersizing. One happened while taking a yoga class, one when I was learning how to use the foam rollers at the gym for stretching.   The latest was yesterday, following a personal training session.  

Apparently, it's related to motion sickness ~ something I've always had.  Once I got sick in a rowboat on the lake (which is totally ridiculous).  When we drive up the mountain to hike Sandia Peak, I have to drive.  Roller coasters, or other rides at a carnival or theme park?  Forget about it ~ I don't even try.  The one and only time we had the opportunity to go to Disney Land, I let my husband talk me into a ride, which was a mistake.  We had to leave about 15 min later, or I was going to puke all over Mickey.  

I usually take a dose of meclizine to prevent being sick on airplanes (which has worked smashingly, as I haven't been airsick in a long time), but now I'm wondering if I need to take it before I go to the gym.  Or, let my trainer know before we start the next (& last) session.  Let me state for the record, I was excited about the 3 sessions I signed up for until yesterday.....

I suppose I should visit the Dr about checking out this issue, but I may visit my acupuncturist instead.  Maybe she can help, and I really hate taking meds.  Well, gotta go.  Sorry for the whine.....  :-)

Love, 365

December 26, 2013

Come on 2014.....!!!!!

I know how he feels....

Ahhhh, Christmas is done.  It went smashingly, the ribs we had for dinner were wonderful, the pie was fabulous.  We cleaned up, and watched a few shows on TV ~ generally vegged.  But as much as Christmas is a great season and all, I'm glad it's done.  Frankly, I'm happily awaiting 2014, because this hasn't been my best year ever, although it certainly hasn't been the worst - it ranks up there amoung the top.

Even though I don't usually make New Year's resolutions, I am going to make some this year, and none of the silly ones that you make and never intend to keep, like: I'm going to lose 20 pounds kind of thing.  Oh, I've done that kind of lasts about a month, then I jump off the wagon and set it on fire.  

Back to work tomorrow!  Man, I have got to get my car washed.....
Love, 365

December 22, 2013

December 15, 2013

Flamingos at the Albuquerque Zoo, Nov. 2013

~I have completed the majority of my Christmas shopping (yay!) thanks to Amazon.  Since most of my family lives in another state, and because I'm a procrastinator of the first degree, it's been wonderful to place the order, have them wrap it, and ship it.  I'm not sure I should support Amazon, but I do enjoy the convenience.....a tiny bit of research trounces Amazon for their lack of charitable giving, although one ratings website on employee happiness showed contented workers (although I'm not sure how accurate it is ~ my skepticism is showing).  I still have a few things I need to do for my Mom, but an impromptu search of William-Sonoma's web site showed their wonderful mac & cheese ramikens were on sale, so I sent an order of those to her.  If you've never tried them, they are wonderful, although a tad expensive, even keeping in mind they do come in porcelain dishes that are handy.  

~I am done for the semester (it was over on 12/4), and I did score an "A" in the class!  I have to admit I wasn't surprised because I thought the class was easy ~ not one single test.  3 grades: our op-ed piece, our primate enrichment project, and our final paper.  She had also said that attendance and participation counted, but I couldn't find any actual grade for that...   I do find writing difficult.  I did fairly well on the final paper, which is the first truly long paper I've had to write in college (14 pages).  

~Yesterday I made homemade marshmallows!  They turned out great too, and surprised me with their simplicity.  I'm making some more today, that will have some Bailey's in them - they're supposed to be placed on black coffee.  My son wants me to make them for his boss, who loves sweets.  I'm planning on giving the marshmallows to friends with a mug and some hot chocolate mix.  Scored a pretty mug on sale at Starbucks for 1/2 price - the hot chocolate mix was actually more than the mug. Somehow that seems wrong.......

~ Well, gotta run, have racquetball game in an hour!  Happy shopping, everyone!  

Love, 365

December 7, 2013

Oh! Christmas shopping season's greetings!


Our Thanksgiving dinner was wonderful.  Just the three of us and my friend, Cheryl.  I was "thankful" (ha ha) that she brought the potato dish, because I don't eat them (I know) and never cook them.  My menfolk (husband and son) know that if they want me to pick up potatos at the store, I will do so, but they will have to cook a result, I never receive that request :-).  I intended to put up the tree on Friday, but ended up doing practically nothing ~ including working much on my paper. I was a little upset at myself for not accomplishing more....
~Sunday: put tree together and plug in to check lights. 
~Monday: dig out the tree skirt and put the tree topper on.
~Wednesday: dig out the garland and put that on.
***still haven't finished decorating the tree.  Hopefully will do that tonight!

Why I don't like winter (other than snow).

-The potty seat is cold.
-Wearing sweaters, coats, scarves.
-The car warms up right about the time you arrive at your destination.
-The utility bill.
-Christmas shopping.
-Getting up at 5:30 to be at work at 6:45 when it's icy and cold.  

We did have about 6 inches of snow makes the season seem more, I don't know, Christmasy?  

Today is going to be busy, have to grocery shop, and I'm playing in a racquetball tournament, so I better get off my butt and get ready.  If you saw what my hair looked like at this moment, you'd probably scream.

Love, 365  

Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...