"Shhh, but I didn't invent the idea of evolution!" C. Darwin (Courtesy of Bing Images)
The mystery has been solved.....Evolutionary Medicine ~ Evolutionary medicine or Darwinian medicine is the application of modern evolutionary theory to understanding health and disease. The goal of evolutionary medicine is to understand why people get sick, not simply how they get sick." Thank you Wikipedia, which I fail to recognize as a dependable source for information, but ironically use all the time. (It at least gives me somewhere to go, or ideas for further research). So, in week two we begin to cut into the "meat" of the class, discussing Darwin and Mendel, with a reminder that Darwin formulated his ideas on the backs of many writings (some that go back as far as 412 B.C. with Diogenes who apparently "introduced the concept of primordial slime"). Yet our history/biology/medical books give much credit to Darwin, who did some pretty impressive work when you consider that he didn't have any idea what a gene was.
I'm having a little bit of trouble with the discussion board, so will be calling the "help line" on Tuesday (& hope they are open after 4:30, when I should be getting home). Otherwise the class is rolling along. I also see that we don't have any "tests" per se....but we have to write. Ugh. I enjoy writing here, but let me tell you that there are times that the words are sometimes dragged out kicking and screaming. Wish I had a dollar for the number of times I've deleted the whole post and started over! Although I couldn't by any means buy a car, I could certainly have purchased a really nice outfit, complete with shoes, purchased at some high brow department store. Gee, now that I think about it, I wish I did have those dollars, but the truth is, I would probably spend said money on my utility bill, or the water bill, or the gas bill. Which, by the way, needs to be paid : note to self.
I mentioned in a previous post that my co-worker was on vacation last week, and I was really working hard at keeping up (which is impossible, one person can't effectively do the work of two people, or there wouldn't be the need for two people, right????). But then disaster ~ Thursday afternoon I had to go home with a migraine, and I also managed to puke all over my shirt. Sorry for the imagery there. So, I'm even behinder than I was. Oh well. I am doing my best to avoid going in over the weekend to catch up.
Our plans today are to go to Wagner's and get our yearly dose of green chile, so I'll wish you a wonderful day!
Love, 365