May 27, 2022

Guess what?.....

Yesterday started out a bit rough.  I asked the new hire about something, and she gives me this look ~ you know the one I'm talking about.  I flat out asked her, am I annoying you?  She did say no, but I replied that she looks irritated.  I walked away, but I was upset, and angry.  I think we are just two people that dislike each other for no reason.  Kind of a chemistry thing, you know? 

Not long after that, I approached our accountant, I wanted to make sure I had used all my paid time off.  She got out two or three records to calculate it, and darned if I did.  I still had 10 hours of paid time off.  I looked at her and said, well, I think this is my last day then.  And so it was..........

I have nothing to offer the new hire, she doesn't want to listen.  As I mentioned before, she knows it all.  They offered me to come in anyway, and that they would add the paid time off to my last check as well (which is pretty generous), but I declined.  There's more to life than money.  Oh, no doubt that money is helpful, but at that point I'd rather be done.  The Doc told me he was sorry to lose me, that he appreciated all I had done for the practice.  Asked me my opinion of the new hire, and I told him straight.  She's a hard worker, did everything that was asked, but the minute there's nothing going on, she and our other new hire (who know each other) talk....and talk and talk.  He admitted he may have made a mistake in hiring her friend.  It may still work out, you never know.  

I admit that I was a little sad.  I wasn't mentally prepared for it to be my last day, you know?  Most of my co-workers have promised we'll get together for lunch and drinks, which will be nice every month or two.  Of course, we'll be going in for regular check-ups and Romeo still needs to have his implant completed.  It's not like I'll never see them again.  It might be fun just going in as a patient!  

So, the retirement is official!  Although I do have to go by on Tuesday to pick up my final check.  I'll probably go in about 4, and hang out with them for a minute.  I need to take the retirement card to Ms Loud, as that will be her final day.  

Happy retirement to me!!  Yay!

Love, 365


May 24, 2022

I get it......


My face when I realize my 23 year old replacement at work believes I'm a washed up old has-been, haha.

Me, thinking, that in 3 days I'll be gone, so maybe you ought to pay attention....but won't, and it won't be my problem anymore.  haha

Last week wasn't too bad, but this week has been awful.  It is obvious to me that she no longer believes I have any useful information to give her ~ and she already knows it all.  :D   And probably feels some resentment at having to pretend to listen to the instruction I'm trying to give her.  =sigh=

Hey, it could still be ok.  It won't matter to me anymore anyway.  They'll be on their own.  Ms Loud offered to come in if they needed help, but I said no.  Once I'm done, I'm on to other things and have no desire to come back!  

One of the new/not new gals (who moved away but came back to Albuquerque and we rehired her) was out today to go to a graduation, so I sat at her desk today.  And oh man, I was soooo bored.  I did a few things, helped out a few patients, but there wasn't much to do.  It was rather excruciating.  I thought of making today my last day, but I already committed to staying until the 31st.  I have only 3 days left...but I am not good with being bored.  I want stuff to do.  At the same time, I really don't want to spend 2 of the 3 I have left checking on past due insurance claims, ugh.  I'll do some of that, but I'll try to find other stuff too, or I'll lose my mind........or maybe I'll pile up some snacks and watch you tube videos, lol.

Peg, I'll try to get in touch with ya, we'll have that chat.

Love, 365


May 21, 2022

Here we go......

Coffee.....I never liked it until 20 years ago.  Now I don't even start my day without it!  My youngest son gave me a cold brew coffee maker, and it is so yummy.  

Two weeks left.  I sure hope I survive with my sanity intact.

Today was May's* (not her name) first day.  She did fine.  She is 23, and does have a bit of experience.  The hardest part will be figuring out how to schedule.  Our office is very different from where she came from.  Based on today's experience, I think she'll do fine.  But it'll take her awhile to get the hang of it all.  Luckily, our other new employee has 5 months under her belt, and can help her.  2 weeks will not be enough for this young lady!  The only criticism I had today was that she and the other gal were speaking Spanish much of the time.  I had to remind them that unless there are no patients in the waiting room, they need to speak English.  But we are lucky to have Spanish speakers in the office, and it will be wonderful to have for our patients that have no or limited English.

The tough part today was from (drum roll please) Ms Loud.  She and our new OM (who is still part of our front desk team)  got into it today.  Apparently ML accused her of being tyrannical.  The OM was pretty upset.  I reminded her that ML won't be in the office much longer.  She knows how ML is, come on.  In Ms Loud's defense, the new OM is trying to distance herself from the rest of is not easy to suddenly be the office manager and be friends of the rest of us. I have noticed that she has become a tad bit more bossy, but hey! isn't that all part of the job. 

Later in the week......  Hah!  I never finished this post, and now we're at the end of the week.   It went ok.  The retired dentist came in to work on his remaining ortho cases.  Awkward.  I really didn't want to see him.  But it turned out ok I suppose.  His next "visit" to the office is on 6/1, and that is my official first day of retirement, so unless I happen to run into him at the grocery store or something, our relationship is over!  Of course it won't be so for the rest of the office, since Romeo and I will still be going for our 6 months visits, and Romeo is in the middle of an implant.  

My mind is full of the things I will be able to do once this work thing is over.  It looks like I'll be so busy catching up on things I've been leaving to "I'll to that after my last day" I don't see myself thinking "I should be working", haha.  I will miss my co-workers and seeing my fav patients.  Don't forget that Romeo and I will be hanging out 24/7.  There are bound to be a few clashes.  We don't get into fights very often, but they do happen.  It's been awhile.....I think we're due for one.  :D

Have a fabulous weekend!

Love, 365

May 13, 2022

Entering into crazy.....


This is the coolest shot of the moon I've ever seen....I don't know where or who, but I had to save it to my photos to share.

The workplace is becoming rather crazy.  The week after next our newly retired Doc returns for an afternoon to work on the orthodontic patients that need to be completed.  None of us are excited to see him.  Let me explain...

He is not the best dentist in the world.  His crown margins are crap (if you have one, that's the edge where it meets the gum tissue, or goes just under it).  They've always been crap.  But the last few months, they were total crap.  So, the new Doc is having to re-do some of them.  And I have one (just one! filling I ever had him do) filling that needs repair, as there is an edge I can feel and catches on the floss.  I didn't think too much about it, but my dental assistant friend warned me not to ignore it or it could cause me issues later.  Anyway, since the retiring Doc is going to be paid for 3 months (I guess part of the contract they drew up when the other dentist bought out the practice), they are adjusting for all that work that has to be redone. More than likely it will zero out any check he might get.  I am hoping he doesn't take it out on us.  I'm sure he'll be a bit pissed ~ but he deserves it.  And I hate to talk smack about him, but really.  I never thought he was only interested in his income, but I guess we all can fall prey to thinking only of ourselves at times.  

Beginning on Tuesday I will start training the girl who is taking over my job.  Whew, it's going to be interesting!  Both of our newest hires are 26-27.  So young.  Not terribly experienced.  Especially in the area of customer service.  I'll do my best to give them the basics of what they need....we'll see if they pay attention or take to heart any of it.  I like a good challenge!  We'll see how it goes.

In the meantime, I'm getting quite excited to have only 2 weeks left!  Now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel to freedom to do my own thing.  The first time I've not worked since I was 16!  Wow, whatever will I do with all that time!

Love, 365

May 2, 2022

Seriously, the count down is less than 31 days!....


How merry the month of May will be!!  

My last day is 5/31/2022.  The cherry on top is ~ that day, after work, all staff will be staying after work for CPR re-certification.  I was so happy that I will no longer have to do that every year.  I have been certified for 30 years, and thankfully have never had to use any of that knowledge on anyone.  There have been many changes (albeit small ones) in CPR training over all those years.  

Have you heard of or seen the apps that countdown your retirement?  I avoided downloading one of those until today :D  I think most of them are designed to encourage putting money aside for it, but I'm just using the countdown.  Of course it has ads, but darned if I will spend $3 to remove those, haha.  I need that 3 bucks for retirement....

In other news, well, there's not much.  But we are literally on fire here in New Mexico.  One fire, that burned over 25 homes, was a "prescribed burn" that went out of control.  I get the need for them, but who ever is making those decisions really needs to be fired.  One couple built their dream home, only to have the whole thing burn to the ground.  

The Hermits Peak fire (the prescribed burn that is out of control) has burned 64,000 (yes that is thousands) of acres and 166 homes.  People didn't just lose their homes ~ they lost all of the structures on their property, including barns, garages, vehicles...well, the list goes on.  Because they were ordered to evacuate, they also lost their livestock (if not to fire, then to starvation since they couldn't get in to feed them).  It's not a new story.  This has happened before, and yet those that sign off on these burns obviously don't learn from the past mistakes.  The Hermits Peak fire has grown so large, it is now the largest fire in the U.S. right now. My heart breaks......

Well!  On that happy note, I shall leave you to your Monday, and hope you have a wonderful week!

Love, 365

Happy Anniversary to us, and to Peg and Rick :-)

  Our anniversary (the first one, lol) is Dec. 1.  We rarely remember it.  It occurred to me a week later, and Romeo didn't even recall ...