September 21, 2024

Looking forward to pumpkin season!

 Yep, I'm one of those pumpkin fans ~ pumpkin spice coffee creamer, pumpkin butter, pumpkin bread, etc.  A few weeks ago we had pumpkin spice creamer at our after church luncheon.  Very popular except for a few people, who are disgusted by the very thought.  It's rather like cilantro.  Ya either love it or hate it.  For me, it tastes like soap and is truly disgusting.  

What do you think about the use of QR codes ~ for practically everything.  I like it when I'm forced to sign in again to a streaming service I've already signed in to (why, oh why?).  I'm annoyed when products I purchase equipment that comes without any printed pages on how to put it together and use it.  Yeah, yeah, I know it saves paper.  😛

Now that the mosquitoes have moved out, now we have an influx of flies.  So Romeo buys a fly trap to put outside.  But ever since he put it out there, I would get a wiff of something disgusting.  After a week, I determined the smell is coming from the fly trap and moved it so it would be away from the back door.  It does work though, there were a couple of inches of fly corpses in the bottle.  I moved the fly trap closer to our fence, so that our neighbors ~ who never pick up the dog shit in their yard ~ can enjoy the scent of decaying flies.  Bwa ha ha.  Who knows, maybe they won't even notice.

I have been so busy.  Working two afternoons a week at festival baking (which is almost over!!! YAY), baking bread for us and to give away.  Trying to make progress on the quilt for my youngest son.  I also need to sew a small dress for a doll that a friend asked me to do.  **Never have ever made doll clothes, so this ought to be fun.  Then house cleaning and laundry and keeping up with tending the garden (which I do enjoy, except for picking off those ugly tomato worms).  

Otherwise, all is moving along.  We're working on training our little terrorists to walk without pulling and to stop growling at dogs they don't like.  Oh, and to sit when people want to pet or give them treats.  It takes a lot of work to make sure they have manners!  They are so much fun though...I was laughing out loud at ZoÄ“ doing zoomies in the backyard.  She's so much fun and such a pain in the ass at the same time!  Lol


Have an excellent weekend!  

Love, 365

Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...