February 17, 2017

Too much to do, not enough time to do it all.....


It's week 5 in my Human Behavioral Ecology class, and although I only bought one book (less than $10 on Amazon) we have a great deal of pages to read each week that is posted on "Learn" ~ the format they use for online classes.  This has meant printing between 50 and 100 pages every week, that sadly, I have to read & comprehend.  

In the meantime, I decided in late December to take a trip home to visit family (Mum, Sis, older Son, Grandson) for a week, Sunday to Sunday.  I leave for the trip this Sunday.  About 2 weeks ago I realized that our first exam is this weekend.  Typically you have until Monday at midnight to complete your assignments, and the exam is no different.  But, not wanting to lug my computer and class notes with me, and realizing I probably wouldn't have free time to study/take exam after I'm already there, I decided that I really need to take the exam on Saturday ~ tomorrow.  I completed my assignment for the week on the 13th, printed up the 100 pages to read for this week.  (Truthfully a bit unsettled that he gave us 100 pages to read the week before an exam!)  So, every day this week I have schlepped to work, reading at my lunch hour, watching the video lecture then work on studying for the exam.  For the past 5 days, I have literally had only about 2 hours of "nothing to do" which includes getting ready for work in the morning and eating dinner & spending a few minutes with Romeo before retiring to the office to work and study.  

We finish the work day early on Friday, so I decided to treat myself to a pedicure and ended up with a manicure too, which was a nice break, right?  I was reading while she was doing the pedicure, but started feeling anxious during the manicure, when all I could do was sit there thinking that I should be reading or studying.

I have done nothing but put a few clothes on the sofa in our bedroom for the trip.  Usually I get the suitcase out a week before and gradually add stuff to it ~ you know, so that I won't forget anything.  
Hmmmmm.  I foresee forgetting something in my near future.  Lol.

Of course I am nervous about the exam, as it is the first one of the semester, with a new professor and no idea of what to expect.  Although I anticipate "short answers" for part of it ~ writing.  I hope I at least do decently on it.

Co-workers notice this increased activity of course, and say things like "I really admire you for doing this!", when what I believe they are thinking is "You're crazy!".  They could be right.  

Love, 365


  1. I won't comment except to say that reading my comment would keep you from studying. Know what I mean?

    1. Ha ha...I'm safe now, as the test and the vacation are over! Thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment!


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