July 9, 2017

Re-organizing after the craziness...

Dahlia in the garden....6-20-17

Here I am, in front of the computer again, ha ha.  I need to clean off my desk, throw out the papers I no longer need and sort the books to return to the library.  Speaking of libraries, last Monday I drove to the main library of Albuquerque, for info for my research paper.  Before I left the house, I grabbed a book that I decided that I didn't need for return ~ which I did....but instead of giving it to a real human, I dropped it into the book return.  The next day I realized I returned a book from UNM to the public library.  I called on Wednesday, and they assured me that it happens, and they'll return it to UNM ~ eventually.  I'm not too concerned, as the book isn't due until early August, but I'll have to keep an eye on the status of it...I don't want to have to buy a book for UNM....I already give them too much of our money.

The beautiful dahlia in the photo (took with my i phone, the camera is really amazing) lasted a long time, but the 3 buds have all bloomed and are gone now.  I have no idea if it will send up flowers again during the summer, but it's really a fantastic flower.  I haven't had a flower garden in a long time, so I'm re-learning what I like, and what does well.  This one is certainly my favorite.

On the 4th, I received an e-mail from my oldest son, who informed the family he is going to jump into marriage again.  I was a little disheartened....he's only been divorced a year, and I hoped he would wait another year before taking the plunge again.  Although I told him I hoped he would wait a little longer, I don't have a good argument since I married again a bit over a year after my first marriage, and Romeo & I are going on 38 years now.  My niece is getting married again this summer as well, and my sister and I had an interesting conversation about the two yesterday.  Mostly we said to each other "what can you do, except hope they are happy".  I have no idea how son #2 is taking it because the reason he moved back to Albuquerque was due son #1 was getting married, and she not only had my new grandson but 4 other kids as well.  Yeah, it's kind of a soap opera.  It's family, after all.

Enjoy your week!
Love, 365


  1. "it's family after all" Truer words have never been spoken. :-)

    Love the photo of the Dahlia. I love Dahlias. I must say that when I moved to Seattle it was the first time I had ever seen them so large. The size of a dinner plate. Just gorgeous.

    1. The dahlia in the photo was a little larger than the palm of my hand, so wow, a dinner plate sized one would probably make me faint! Wow! We lived in Oregon for a couple of years, and what amazed me was the hydrangea's growing in yards. Until then I had only seen them in a flower shop!


Oh Christmas, how you vexed me this year.....

  I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas!  I bought this multi planted Christmas cactus, now I'll see if I can keep it alive :-) Ha...