November 20, 2017

Oh, happy day.....

I don't want to add his photo to my blog..
it would pollute, like oil on birds feathers
(nah, this ain't no poem, haha).
But, I was happy to hear the news this morning
that Charles Manson is dead.


Also, a big shout out to Rick Watson for bugging me about adding the "follow" button on my blog.
I am so impatient, that if I didn't find the widget in 2 minutes, I would give up.  I finally found the darn thing, so, follow away!  

Happy Thanksgiving!
Love, 365

1 comment:

Oh Christmas, how you vexed me this year.....

  I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas!  I bought this multi planted Christmas cactus, now I'll see if I can keep it alive :-) Ha...